Brief Course Description
Types of mucopolysaccharides , proteins and lipids , and there roles and features in cells and tissues in normal and pathological conditions.
Histochemical methods for detection and differentiation between types of mucopolysaccharides, proteins and lipids in tissues.
Types of enzymes and its role and features in cells in normal and pathological conditions, with studying the histochemical methods for detection and differentiation between types of enzymes.
Types of metal and pigments, and there features in cells in normal and pathological conditions , and detection it with histochemical methods.
Immunohistochemical methods.
Distribution of Marks
midterm =30
Practical =30
Final Exam =40
- Kiernan,J.A.(2007):Histological and Histochemical methods ( Theory and practice).4th ed.Scion.Canada.
- Wick, M.R.(2008):Diagnostic Histochemistry. 1st ed. Cambridge University Press. USA.
- الطيب ، نوري طاهر و جرار، بشير محمود( 1415 هـ ): أساسيات علم كيمياء الأنسجة ( النظرية والتطبيق ) . الطبعة الأولى. جامعة الملك سعود. الرياض.
- البنهاوي، محمود أحمد .، فهمي، ابراهيم خطاب ، و الجنزوري ، منير علي ( 1996 ): أسس كيمياء الأنسجة ( الهستوكمستري) النظري والعملي. الطبعة الأولى. المكتبة الأكاديمية. القاهرة.
Course ID: Zool 586
Credit hours | Theory | Practical | Laboratory | Lecture | Studio | Contact hours | Pre-requisite | 3 | - | - |