President's Message

Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University with its rich academic legacy was established as a beacon of science, intellect and knowledge over a span of four decades since it was a branch of King Faisal University in Dammam (KFU-Dammam) in 1395 H. (1975) until its independence under the name (University of Dammam) in 1430 H. (2009), which marked a transitional phase and pivotal chapter in the university’s history. IAU has faced various challenges and overcame all difficulties to enhance and develop the university’s infrastructure as well as the academic and service outcomes in a manner that meets the requirements of its geographical scope. IAU’s efforts towards success were honored and blessed when The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques (May Allah grant him support) issued the Royal Decree No. 29402, dated 28 Safar 1438 H. (28 November 2016) to name the university “Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University” after the name of an inspiring, great imam and educator of honorable leaders whose lives inspire us with perseverance and resilience to continue our journey towards development, progress, and prosperity.

We at IAU have forward-looking and passionate faculty members and administrative staff who spare no effort to reach the apex of the university’s aspirations and objectives with unparalleled creativity and productivity, which brings us into healthy competition with other universities and grants us absolute confidence and prominent position among other institutions in general. We continue to follow the footsteps of our leaders (May Allah protect them) in their aspirations to enhance the level of academic, research and community efforts. We look up to our leaders as wise models in considering education the building block of all civilizations, cornerstone of any structure, and the main pillar of the Kingdom’s honor and empowerment. We pray to Allah with our dedicated intention to deliver our vision in leadership on the local, regional and international levels. We also hope to accomplish our noble mission in offering innovative community knowledge, research and vocational services in the most effective and ideal manner that warrants achieving the aspirations and ambitions with the highest local and international quality standards and benchmarks; consequently, this will help maintain our achievements in the quality assurance system after being granted the unconditional institutional accreditation (1 May 2015 – 30 April 2022). Towards this end, we utilize what IAU already has achieved under its scientific legacy and intellectual approach as well as the values that we cherish in our hearts in loyalty to this blessed land, dedication to the wise leadership, and commitment to making all efforts to what is best for the Kingdom and its prosperity.

Today, IAU is witnessing a new era in light of implementing the latest developments of the universities’ law in the Kingdom, having being granted regulated independence under the supervision of its Board of Trustees and chosen, pursuant to the Royal Decree No. 62735, dated 23 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1441 H. among the first universities to implement its rules and regulations. It is a new chapter in the university’s history of development that enthuses  and  fills us with firm determination to continue achieving all that would serve education, contribute to the Kingdom’s desired development vision, and enhance the creative university’s environment that embraces all forms of intellectuality  and creativity in order to generate a reliable product that attains sustainable development, prosperity and growth for society, our beloved homeland, and the entire world.

Dr. Abdullah bin Mohammad Al Rubaish

University President

Published on: 21 February 2021
Last update on: 22 March 2021
Page views: 4711