The Research Unit

The Research Unit is created to enhance the research activities of the College. It was established to provide support for interdisciplinary research that complements the academic goals of departments of instruction and research.

Aims and objectives

  • The development of the overall capabilities in the field of scientific research.
  •  The development of research strategy and research plans and the development of implementation mechanisms in the college
  • Achieve coordination with the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) and Institute for Research and Medical Consultations (IRMC) in the university and other research institutions to undertake high quality research and provide a seeking research funding and support in order to successfully carry out research activities.
  • Provide a proposed five-year plan for scientific activities in all departments in the College and follow up the implementation of this plan
  •  Oversee the development activities and the research capabilities of the College and researchers in the field of scientific and applied research.
  •  Organize the activities of motivating College members and other participants to conduct research addressing social policy goals.
  •  Establish links and expanding foreign relations by arranging official visits to Universities or other academic staff to the contrary. 
  • Organize meetings, seminars and forums.
  •  Supervising the formation of research teams at the college and provide logistical support.
  • Encourage the establishment of distinguished scientific chairs and research Labs of excellence.

Number of papers and reports submitted in conferences

26 publications.

Number of citations in refereed journals

1244 citations .

Number of papers and reports submitted in conferences

26 papers and reports submitted.


  • Dr. Hassan Mohammed Aaydi,  Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, achieved the 3rd  highest rate of citation for international publication at the university level which provided by  clarivate analytics company (Thomson Reuters).
  •  The research paper submitted by Dr. Abdulkarim Al-Zaytouni, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, achieved the best scientific research paper presented in the international conference: jtet, 2016, Tunisia
  • Dr. Huda Al-Khaldi, Assistant Professor in the Physics Department, received the Scientific Publishing Prize from the Cultural Attaché in Australia for publishing three scientific researches in 2018.
  • The research paper submitted by Dr. Abdulkarim Al-Zaytouni, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, achieved the best scientific research paper presented in the International Conference on Engineering and MIS (ICEMIS) 2017, IEEE.

The Research Laboratory

The research lab was established in 1436 in the College of Education- Jubail where the researchers work in the field of physics and chemistry of materials science in an integrated research environment in terms of technical structure, laboratory equipment and human resources.

The lab provides research services to individuals and research institutions as a service to the community, in the belief in its role in the vision of 2030 to encourage researchers to innovate in scientific research.


  • Dr. Hassan Mohammed Aaydi,  Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, achieved the 3rd  highest rate of citation for international publication at the university in 2017, while he   achieved the 4th highest rate of citation  in 2018 (the total number of research citations was 3515)
  • Dr. Ahmed Fradi,  Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, achieved the 9th   highest rate of citation for international publication at the university in 2018, (the total number of research citations was 2188).

Published on: 10 October 2018
Last update on: 10 October 2018
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