ENT Cinics Service


  • KFHU Otolaryngology out-patient department provides state-of the-art ENT & Head & Neck Surgery Services through highly skilled team of consultants, specialists and nurses utilizing the latest diagnostic equipment committed to delivering high quality care to adults and children.
  • Our team deals with variety of cases which are received from different referral channels for both general ENT & HN cases and advanced conditions which need the expertise of our consultant in their subspecialized clinics.
  •  Our clinics also offers the best and latest technology in Audiological testing and rehabilitation, Speech and Language therapy, and diagnosis and treatment of swallowing disorder.

Achievement and statistics

Our out patient department is in a continuous status of expansion. In one year we have increased the number of the clinics from 14 to 41 clinics per week ( 26 clinics for consultants, 6 clinics for specialists, 4 admission clinics, 4 screening clinics and 1 ER clinics that runs along the week for ER referral).
By this OPD growing we have succeeded to provide around 500 cases weekly with excellent and meticulous service and care.
As a result of our OPD expansion, the general ENT cases are seen within 2 weeks of referral and the cases that need the subspecialized services are seen within a maximum period of 2 months.

Out-patient Information

The service is provided through 6 highly equipped ENT rooms ,1 ENT & HN procedure room, 2 rooms for audiological testing, 1 room for CI programming, 1 room for balance and vestibular disorder, 3 rooms for speech therapy and 1 room for swallowing disorder.

The clinics have been fitted with the newest diagnostic facilities including:

  • Fiberoptic nasal videoendoscopy
  • FEES ( fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing)
  • Fiberoptic broncho videoendoscopy
  • Nasal video Esophogoscopy
  • Audiologic laboratory
  • Balance laboratory
  • Cochlear implant programming and Hearing aid center
  •  Neuro-otologic testing

Clinic statistic

The referral to our clinics at KFHU is done through 4 channels, which are as follows:

1. Transfer of eligibility for treatment, which receives all transfers from various clinics and hospitals in the area. The average referral no. of cases is around 80 patients per month.
2. The average referrals from medical coordination via fax is 25 patients per month.
3. referrals from the university's family and community medicine clinics averaged 30 patients per month.
4. Internal referrals of the hospital from different departments. There is no accurate statistics to calculate the average but it is roughly about 70-80 patients per month

OPD procedures

For minor procedures which can be done under local anaesthesia we have prepared special room highly equipped and set up to accommodate the following ENT & HN procedures:

  • Maryngotomy & ventilation tubes insertion
  •  Middle ear injections
  • Laser surgery for vocal cords (KTP laser)
  • Injection of vocal cords (some injections require special injections attached to the EMG device)
  • Bronchoscopy
  • debridement & Cleaning of the sinuses
  • Nasal turbinates coblation
  • Removal stitches and others.
  • Nasogastric endoscope
  • FNAs
  • Biopsies
  • Trachestomy tube change

OPD Services

Our OPD proudly provides a complete package of services from general ENT clinics to the highly specialized ones which include the following:
1- General ENT clinics
2- General Otology clinics
3- Cochlear Implant clinics
4- Neuro otology clinics
5- Tinnitus and vestibular clinics
6- General rhinology clinics
7- Endoscopic skull base clinics
8- Allergy and immune therapy clinics
9- Voice, vocal cords and airway problems clinics
10-swallowing disorder clinics
11-Pediatric and congenital anomalies clinics
12- Head and neck tumor clinics
13- Facial plastic and reconstruction clinics
14- Speech therapy clinics
15- audiological testing clinics
16- CI programming clinics
17- balance and vertigo clinics

Operation Rooms

  • Surgical operations in the otolaryngology- head and neck department runs by a large and expanding staff covering all the subspecialties, includes more than 13 consultants with a group of efficient and well trained specialists and residents.
  • Surgeries are carried out in operating theaters equipped with the best and most advanced medical instruments and devices and with the help of a group of efficient nurses and technicians specializing in the otolaryngology, head and neck department
  • Elective surgeries are conducted on a daily basis throughout the working days and includes the following subspecialties:
  1. Head and neck
  2. Pediatrics and airway surgery
  3. Laryngology and esophageal disorder
  4. Sleep disorders
  5. Sinus and anterior skull base
  6. Otology, Neurotology and lateral skull base
  7. Fascioplasty
  • Emergency cases that needs an operation are covered and done 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  •  Operations can be performed as one-day surgery or as an inpatient stay depending on the type of operation and the patient's health fitness.
  • Operations are carried out with the support and assistance of highly qualified medical departments and specialties, for example, Anesthesia department, Intensive Care department, and the all specialties and subspecialties of the surgical and Medical departments.

Published on: 26 October 2021
Last update on: 01 April 2024
Page views: 657