The University of Dammam concluded on Monday August 22, 2016 the Second Summer Enrichment Program SA-RSI 2016. The program continued for 5 weeks and the participants amounted up to 42 students from different regions of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The scientific exhibition was inaugurated by the Vice President for Studies, Development and Community Service, Prof. Abdullah Al Kadi who expressed his delight with the efforts of these gifted students and wished them a bright future. He also applauded the efforts of the program’s partners and especially Saudi Aramco, the main contributor to the program.

Dr. Suhailah Al-Jameel the Program Supervisor pointed out the great efforts and opportunities that Saudi Arabia provides to its gifted students and stressed on the importance of united efforts from the families and the various community organizations to achieve the intended results.
She also added that “the program aims at the enrichment of students’ abilities and development in both their skills and knowledge. The students worked on scientific research projects benefiting from the scientific and practical training in labs which served to achieve the Mission of King Abdul-Aziz & his Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity to build an environment that encourages creativity and supports sustainable development in Saudi Arabia. She gave thanks and appreciation to Saudi Aramco for their contributions to the program and extended her thanks to the Center for Excellence in Education (CEE) for their contribution which help in the success of the program.

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Published on: 04 September 2016
Last update on: 19 September 2016
Page views: 1042