
Legal system plays a special promoting role in every society and for that reason guardians of the kingdom assured the vital presence of legal affairs administration in every private or public sector to ensure achieving principles of justice and rightness and that rule of law are upheld and in line with the values of Islam as well as the authentic heritage and traditions of Saudi Arabia.  The Directorate for Legal Affairs is concerned with the formulation of legal opinions on issues related to the University as well as referred issues related to the university staff members concerning disciplinary measures. The Directorate also takes part in drafting, reviewing and auditing the rules and regulations of the University.
The Directorate provides through the University President legal advice to the disciplinary boards of the University and participates in drafting contracts, agreements and pledges, of which the University is a party. It also participates in documenting any legislation related to the University or any relevant legislation drafted by the Kingdom.   The Directorate also follows up on amendments to any legislation applied at IAU and the decisions issued thereof.
Organizational structure of the Department: The Legal Affairs Department is linked to the University President.



To be leaders in the formulation of legal opinions, drafting contracts, as well as providing excellent and measured legal advice in all aspects related to academic and administrative endeavors at the University.


Provide distinct legal advice and services that meet the requirements for the overall development of the University and are aligned with the University's stated vision and mission.


  • Respect human rights
  • Promote justice, dignity and freedom
  • Adopt the principle of transparency and responsibility towards the law and society
  • Commit to righteousness and honesty.


Administration carries out the following objectives:
- Represent the University before the courts and judicial authorities, search for the truth and protect the rights of the University.
- Observe the authenticity and integrity of all legal procedures referred to the Directorate by senior administrators of the University.
- Provide legal advice and opinions on the topics referred by the senior administrators of the University.
- Ensure that the internal regulations of the University are in line with the laws and that they are characterized by the spirit of justice and achieve the desired balance between rights and duties in order to create an ideal work environment.
- Formulate and ensure the legality, authenticity and integrity of agreements or contracts relevant to the nature of the University's work.
- Create and automate a database of all legislation that governs the work of the University.
- Ensure that all works of IAU are consistent with the University's rules and regulations and that they are carried out in the right context.
- Ensure that all decisions taken by the various entities of IAU conform with the rules and regulations and highlight whatever might contradict with these rules and regulations.
Published on: 04 August 2014
Last update on: 28 August 2022
Page views: 1900