In order to fulfill the labor demands of the Kingdom for professionals with advanced degrees, scholarships as well as training programs are available to qualified individuals who wish to pursue their academic careers or enhance and develop their management and technical skillls.  The participants in these programs not only enrich and broaden their knowledge and those of their students, but they strengthen the bonds of scientific research partnerships and create channels of communication with numerous distinguished academic institutions throughout the world.

The Office of the Dean of Postgraduate Studies is responsible for the postgraduate scholarship programs under the auspices of the Office of the Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Academic Research.  The Office of the Dean has created a manual entitled:  Scholarship and Training, that simplifies and clarifies the postgraduate scholarship process.

Dean of Postgraduate Studies


Scholarships to the best international and local universities and research centers.


Preparing and supporting university employees to scholarship to the best educational institutions around the world, overcoming any challenges they face, and providing services to the fullest to achieve excellence and make the scholarship journey an academic achievement that they are proud of.


  • Proficiency 
  • Responsibility 
  • Transparency
  • Team work
  • Exploring civilizations
  • Experiencing different cultures


  • Scholarship Applications Unit
  • Secretariat of the Permanent Committee for Scholarships and Training
  • Reports and Statistics Unit

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is meant by the scholarship application?

A/ It is that the candidate for scholarship is granted a financial guarantee and the application for nomination for scholarship is submitted to the Ministry of Education to obtain approval for the scholarship.

 Q2: When do I have the right to submit my candidacy application for external scholarship?

A faculty member (teaching assistant, lecturer) may submit an application for nomination for external scholarship from the date of appointing at the university.

Q3: Is it required to submit an application for candidacy for external scholarship to obtain acceptance?

A: It is not required.

Q4: Where do I get the financial guarantee?

A/ The public and private financial guarantee letter can be obtained through the scholarship system. (There is an introductory video about the system on the university's website)

Q5: What are the services that can be used with financial guarantee?

A/ Facilitating admission from international universities and can be submitted to the embassy of the country of scholarship to obtain an ambassador's visa.

Q6: What are the universities to which scholarships are granted?

c/ All universities recognized by the Ministry of Education in the fields and specializations specified on the site.

Q7: When is a scholarship decision issued ?

A/ The decision shall be  issued one month before the beginning of the study, provided that the visa is issued, and the approval of the Ministry of Education is obtained.

Q8: How can I open a file in Safeer system ?

A: After obtaining the scholarship decision, please contact the Scholarship Affairs Unit to complete the procedures for opening the file.

 Q9: After opening a file in Safir 2, what are the procedures that I should do?

A: You have to open a personal account in Safir 2, and attach the entry stamp through the study start icon so that the exchange is started from the date of entry to the scholarship country .

Q10 / What is the duration of master's and doctoral studies?

C/ The period is determined according to the letter of acceptance in the master's program from (one to two years) and the  doctorate is three years, except for medicine, so the duration of his study is determined according to the system of the country in which the scholarship student is studying, and in the event of convincing justifications, the University Council may extend this period.

Q11 / Can I receive a scholarship to study the language only, and when I arrive at the country of the scholarship, can I look for acceptance for the degree?

A/ This is not possible, as the scholarship must be for a master's or doctoral degree.

 Q12: I got conditional acceptance with a specific score in  the IELTS language test,  and I did not get the required score, so should I apply for scholarship or wait until I achieve the language requirement.

A: If the remaining language requirement is a simple score, you can obtain conditional admission to the pre-sessional  program   and apply for a scholarship with an IELTS test score  .

 Q13: What are the requirements for extending the mission (externally)?

A/ When submitting the application through the Safeer system, the following must be attached:

  1. A report from the academic supervisor at the external university  explaining  the percentage of achievement and the remaining percentage to complete the requirements for  obtaining the degree, in addition to the date of submission of the thesis and  the expected date of discussion and obtaining  the degree.
  2. A report from the academic advisor at Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University explaining the reasons for the extension request .

Q14: When can I submit a request to extend the mission if needed?

A/ It is assumed that a request to extend a scholarship will be submitted before the date of the end of the current mission for a period of not less than three months as a minimum, taking into account the time of the summer vacation (end of the academic year) since the councils are not held on vacation.

Q15: What are the procedures for upgrading the mission?

A/ After submitting the application through the Safeer system, the applicant for a mission promotion is required to be at least 3 months before the end of the current mission, with the admission obtained and a statement from the current university indicating the expected date of completion of the degree or attaching the certificate if the degree is obtained. Provided that there is no interval between the end date of the current mission and the date of the start of the promotion (and if any, the period should not exceed a maximum of three months) in order to avoid stopping the disbursement, knowing that the interval period will be within the promotion period.

 Q16: I am currently on scholarship abroad and I would like to take a scientific trip to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, what are the required procedures?

A/ First, getting the approval of the academic supervisor at the university to which he is on scholarship with a letter explaining the relationship of the scientific trip with the study, then communicating with the host of the scientific trip to obtain approval, either directly or through the department and college, and then the application is submitted through the Safeer system to be presented to the competent committees, as well as obtaining the approval of the Research Ethics Committee on living organisms if necessary.

 Q17: My scientific journey has ended, what should I do?

C/ Preparing  a report on the scientific trip by the internal supervisor of the scientific trip, specifying the actual start and end date of the trip, and then it is submitted by the department to which the scholarship belongs, to the Deanship of Graduate Studies to inform the attaché of that.

 Q18: Can the scholarship be postponed?

A/ The scholarship student is not entitled to postpone the scholarship, according to the articles regulating scholarship in universities.

Q19/What is required of me after completing the scholarship?

Upon the end of the internal scholarship period and obtaining the degree within the scholarship period: you must begin work and submit the request to begin electronically through electronic services (there is an introductory video of the steps).

When the internal scholarship period ends without obtaining the degree: a request is submitted to the scholarship system to terminate the scholarship without obtaining the degree, and the justifications for the request are submitted so that it is presented to the relevant committees, and then the application is submitted directly after the decision is issued.

Upon the end of the external scholarship period and obtaining the degree within the scholarship period: commencement takes place 30 days after the date of obtaining the degree.

When the period of external scholarship ends without obtaining a degree: an application for terminating a scholarship without obtaining a degree is submitted on the Safeer 2 system to be presented to the relevant committees.

Q20/I was issued a scholarship decision, left the country, arrived at the mission headquarters,  opened a file , studied for three months, then decided to end the scholarship for certain reasons. What should I do?

A/ You must submit a request to terminate a scholarship without obtaining a degree in the ambassador system and attach justifications for presentation to the relevant committees.

 Q21/if I want to move from one country to another, what is the correct procedure to follow to avoid problems with suspension of exchange and other issues?

A/The transfer request must be submitted sufficiently before the end of the mission (4 months) so that the disbursement is not stopped, with all justifications attached. In the event that the procedure is completed, and the decision is issued, you must travel directly the next day to the new scholarship location and upload it directly to the Safeer system. And demand that a file be opened at the new scholarship location.

Q22/If I encounter a problem in the country of scholarship, who should I turn to?

A/You must contact the attaché as soon as possible and inform the scholarship agency so that it can assist you.

Q23/Where do I start my work after the scholarship?

A/ By accessing electronic services-then administrative services-then starting work-then Choosing directly after the scholarship.

 Q24/I am on a scholarship to study for a doctorate and I received a research grant. Can I apply for it and start it after my doctorate, or do I need to start working after my doctorate?

A/ You must proceed after obtaining your doctorate degree and request an appointment to the position of assistant professor. Then you can apply for a research grant through the scientific council.

Q25/ I took an admission test at a foreign university and paid the test fees. Will I be compensated for the fees after arriving in the scholarship country if I am accepted?

A/ A request for financial compensation must be submitted through the cultural attaché upon arrival in the scholarship country.


Q26/ I applied for a scholarship abroad, and after the approval of the department and college council, I obtained a visa , but the application was cancelled by the scholarship committee because I did not obtain the required IELTS score. How will the paid visa amount be compensated?

A/ You must not start obtaining the visa until after the university council approves the scholarship request, and after arriving at the scholarship location, compensation will be made by the attaché.

Q27/ What are the regulations for long-distance learning courses in external scholarship?

A/1.The study should not be conducted online (remotely) except with prior approval from the cultural attaché.

2.The courses studied must be a course that can only be studied remotely via the internet.

3.The number of hours that the student studies online do not exceed ( 6 semester hours or equivalent) as a maximum for the postgraduate level. This includes the transferred hours that the student studies online at a university other than the university in which he is studying, provided that these hours are not for courses that require practical or applied attendance in all specializations.

4.Proof of full-time residency and in the country of study while studying online.

5. The study must take place online at the same university where the student is studying.

6. Do not study online for more than one course per semester.


Q28/ I received admission and was asked to pay certain fees to reserve a seat at the university, and I am still completing the scholarship procedures. If I pay, will I be compensated for the amount?

A/ Compensation will not be made unless the scholarship decision is issued, and if approval is granted and you arrive at the scholarship location, compensation will be made by the attaché.

Published on: 07 July 2014
Last update on: 18 July 2024
Page views: 5574