
The Office of Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs supervises nineteen departments and deanships which are considered the backbone of the university. Furthermore, it works efficiently with its staff in order to overcome difficulties and make colleges, deanships, and departments acquire the most benefit from the services according to the regulations and authorities granted to them to meet the needs of all sectors of the university's human resources, such as faculty members and staff. They study the applications, then send them to the deanship of faculty members and employees for announcements. After that, the choices are made, and the distinguished ones who have been selected are contracted within a committee that determines the interviews and the same is true for deanships and departments. In addition to the financial requirements of faculties, deanships and departments, where the General Department of Financial Affairs plays an important and distinctive role in overcoming difficulties finding financial solutions to all the financial difficulties facing the university. Moreover, the Department of General Equipment and the General Department of Procurement work to secure all the university’s needs, such as laboratories, medical furniture, office furniture and other practical and educational needs, and more. Furthermore, as for the general administration of projects and its great role, which is obvious to the university’s employees and visitors, in all the needs of the university, its faculties, departments, deanships, roads, lighting, maintenance, renewal, removal, building, restoration and preservation of green spaces in the university. To sum up, all the above is a brief summary of some of the efforts of the Vice-President’s Office for Administrative and Financial Affairs that it undertakes as one of the seven Vice-Presidents’ offices that derive their directives from His Excellency the President of the University May Allah protect him.


A pioneer agency that achieves the highest local, regional and global standards for a sustainable university in its social, economic and environmental resources.


Provide improved and advanced administrative and financial services based on high quality standards that assure sustainable development for the university resources.


  • Commitment
  • Perfection
  • Transparency
  • Sustainability
  • Team Spirit


Achieving the highest global sustainability rates for the university's human, financial and environmental resources.


Strategic Objectives 

Performance Measurement and Evaluation Indicators (KPIs)

  • First: Continuous improvement of the job engagement rate.
  • Number of annual promotions
  • Number of entertainment programs offered.
  • The average evaluation score of the university employees for the entertainment programs provided.
  • The average score of the job satisfaction assessment.
  • Second: Sustainable administrative development for all employees to help achieve the university's vision of global leadership.
  • Number of training programs offered.
  • Number of participants in the training programs offered.
  • The average number of training programs received by each of the participants.
  • Average rate of satisfaction with the programs offered.
  • Average scores of pre- and post-assessments of programs offered.


  • Third: Automate all administrative transactions to achieve the necessary flexibility for the university's financial and procurement administrative units.
  • Ratio of automated operations to total operations.
  • Average score measuring the degree of satisfaction of beneficiaries.
  • Fourth: Developing the system of all administration to improve performance efficiency.
  • Number of entities whose organizational structures have been updated.
  • Number of employees with appropriate qualifications to do their tasks / total requirement provided.
  • Number of leaders in the annual succession plan.
  • Employment and nationalization of jobs rate.
  • Average job performance evaluation score.
  • Fifth: Professional management of the university's own resources in order to achieve optimal investment.
  • Annual comparison of the number of self-income sources.
  • An annual comparison of the volume of self-income revenues.
  • Measuring the degree of satisfaction of beneficiaries of paid services.
  • Evaluating specialists in the strategic path of developing self-resources at the university in order to achieve diversification of their sources.
  • Annual evaluation of the rate of ROI.
  • Sixth: Rationalize expenditure and promote efficiency in order to achieve effective sustainability of the university's resources.
  • Annual comparisons of the cost of the human element from all categories of the university.
  • Annual cost-benefit comparisons to achieve the highest productivity rates.
  • Seventh: Managing the University's assets to achieve the highest standards of preservation for current and future generations.
  • Reports of specialists on the efficiency of the operation of fixed assets.
  • Ranking of the university in international rankings on environmentally friendly buildings.
  • The number of environmental sustainability applications applied at the university.
  • The size of the savings achieved annually through environmentally friendly university applications.
  • Reducing the rates of accidents of all kinds.
  • Eighth: Providing beneficiaries' work requirements of the services of the Vice-Deanship's departments in order to achieve the best possible work environment.
  • The rate of orders completed compared to the total orders.
  • The average score of measuring the satisfaction of the beneficiaries.
  • Average score for measuring job satisfaction.
Published on: 13 April 2014
Last update on: 20 March 2023
Page views: 1840