

This lab has been established for the testing of biomaterials mainly mechanical properties that includes tension, compression and 3-point bending test. Variety of samples have been tested that were designed and developed in collaboration with other colleges. These samples are prepared and tested under the standardized testing protocols outlined under international standards. This lab also has the facility for surface characterization of the materials by using Atomic force microscopy at nano scale.

List of Equipment

  1. Electropuls E-3000 material testing system. Instron-UK
  2. NI-MyRio
  3. NI-MyDAQ
  4. NI-cDAQ
  5. NI-Elvis
  6. NI-Imaging Module
  7. AFM-Nano-Phywe

Biomedical Instrumentation


Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory is well equipped and enables students to understand the fundamentals of various measuring instruments.
This lab is used for giving the basic knowledge about the various bio-instruments for observation, measurement, or control. Bioinstrumentation Lab is the development of technologies for the measurement and manipulation of parameters within biological systems, focusing on the application of engineering tools for scientific discovery. It involves the use of or operation with instruments; especially the use of one or more bio-instruments in carrying out laboratory tests.

This lab also giving an exposure of Modelling and Simulation of Virtual Real Time Systems. The lab is equipped with simulation software NI LabView, NI multisim and NI data acquisition hardware.
Major Experiments conducted in Biomedical instrumentation Lab:

  • Introduction to Operational Amplifier and Instrumentation Amplifier.
  • Introduction to Active and Passive Filters.
  • Introduction to sensors.
  • Electrocardiogram ECG Module & Human ECG Measurement using Oscilloscope and software.
  • Electroencephalogram EEG Module & Human EEG Measurement using Oscilloscope and software.
  • Electromaygram EMG Module & Human ECG Measurement using Oscilloscope and software.
  • Electrooculogram EOG Module & Human EEG Measurement using Oscilloscope and software.
  • Oscillometric Blood Pressure Measurement using Oscilloscope and software.
  • Pulse meter Measurement using Oscilloscope and software.
  • Pulse meter Measurement using Oscilloscope and software.
  • Photoplesmography Measurement using Oscilloscope and software.
  • Respiratory Ventilation Detection Measurement using Oscilloscope and software.
  • Respiration flow/vital Capacity Measurement using Oscilloscope and software.
  • Doppler Ultrasound Blood Velocity Measurement using Oscilloscope and software.
  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulate TENS Measurement using Oscilloscope and software.
  • Introduction to Multisim.
  • Introduction to LabVIEW.
  • Introduction to Data Acquisition Cards.

List of Equipment

  1. KL- 720 and KL-730 Biomedical Instrumentation Trainer kits with following modules:
    • ECG
    • EMG
    • EOG
    • EEG
    • Blood Pressure
    • Pulse
    • Respiration
    • Doppler
    • PPG
    • TENS
    • Respiration Vital Capacity
    • Body impedance
  2. Biomedical Instrumentation Sensors for iWorx and vernier compatible with LabVIEW.
  3. Simulators
  • ECG
  • EEG

Digital Design


The Lab is well equipped with both hardware and software facilities required by the students to perform the necessary experiments designed for the courses of digital design, signal and systems and biomedical digital signal processing courses. lab. Experiments are designed in such a way that the students become well aware of the concepts they learn in the theory sessions. Experiments are related to both digital hardware and Programming.

Simulation Lab provides students a virtual environment in which different electrical circuits and machines can be modelled and various analytical experiments can be done using different softwares such as MATLAB, Multisim.

List of Equipment

  1. ETS-7000 Advanced Digital Training System-K&H.
  3. All in one desktop computers with relevant software.
  4. NI-MyRIO
  5. NI-MyDAQ

Control System


Control Systems Laboratory presents facilities of computing and simulation through MATLAB and demonstration on FEEDBACK designed equipment creating an impressive digital control system development environment. MATLAB is a ‘higher-level’ technical computing language that provides a platform for algorithm development, data analysis, data visualization, etc. Together with SIMULINK and additional toolboxes it facilitates control system design and analysis, which can later be implemented in real-time applications using Real-time Workshop. The Feedback range of Control Systems demonstration equipment has been employed to provide a modern, efficient approach to training the undergraduate students in this field.

This lab also has the facility of training on microprocessor trainer boards to make the undergraduate students well prepare about cutting edge embedded system design technology.

List of Equipment

  1. Desktop Computers with LabVIEW and Matlab Software
  2. NI-MyDAQ
  3. NI-MyRio
  4. NI-Robotics Trainers
  5. Micro Processor Trainer with associated modules
  6. Feedback Electro-mechanical kit with interface software
  7. NI myDAQ
  8. NI myRIO-1900
  9. QUBE-Servo NI myRIO Interface

Summer Training


Dedicated for the project design and prototyping activities particularly for the senior design projects of the undergraduate students. Students get trained on various aspects of engineering in this lab which includes testing of medical equipment by using simulators and their electrical safety analysis as well.

List of Equipment

  1. PCB prototyping System- LPKF S-63
  2. 3D Printer- Z18 Replicator-MakerBot
  3. AIMS-III Acoustic Measurement system
  4. Electrical Safety Analyzer – Fluke
  5. Patient Simulator-Fluke
  6. Soldering Irons

Electrical Circuits


Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation Lab provides the basic understanding of the operational features of various analog and digital tests and measurement equipment, practical on basic measurement parameters and measuring devices, analysis of various standard bridges for measurement of unknown resistance, inductance and capacitance, Q factor, study of characteristics of different types of transducers, generation of waveforms.

List of Equipment

  1. KL-100 Trainer kits for basic electronics
  2. KL-200 Trainer kits for advanced electronics
  3. Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
  4. Function Generators
  5. Digital Power Supplies
  6. Digital Multimeters
  7. Project Boards

Laser and Optics


Dedicated for the research carried out by the faculty of BMED in the areas of optics, microwave imaging.

List of Equipment

  1. Network Analyzer
  2. Antena Assembly
  3. Waveguides
  4. Laser modules for research
  5. fNIRx System



The Biomechanics Laboratory is designed and developed to conduct a wide range of basic science and applied experiments in general and basic biomechanics. Theoretical aspects of biomechanics that students learn in class are applied in the biomechanics lab, often encompassing experiments with human specimens and the use of computer software and analysis. Current experiments include:

  • Anthropometric measurements of the human body to determine appropriate sports and health risks.
  • The use of goniometers for measuring body joints range of motion
  • The use of a human structure set to understand the forces that are acted on different human body parts.
  • EMG measurement and analysis to determine proper weight liftings.
  • Stability and muscle activities of females wearing slippers, sports shoes, and high heel shoes.
  • The effect of foot abnormalities on body balance and walking patterns
  • A comparison of the balance and gait function between two college-aged females by using force plates.

List of Equipment

  1. Data LITE Wireless Data Aquistion System BT & SD Memory.
  2. Goniometers
  3. Accelerometer Sensor
  4. B.V. Pulse Sensor
  5. Pinch Meter P200
  6. Hand Dynamometer G200
  7. Temperature Sensor
  8. Wireless Accelerometer
  9. Wireless EMG
  10. Load Cells
  11. Force Plates
  12. Wireless Torsiometers
  13. Myometer
  14. Passive IR Sensor
  15. Respiration Sensor

Medical Imaging-I (X-Ray and CT)


Medical Imaging lab-I is equipped with educational X-ray unit that is specifically designed for laboratory courses. It has been specially developed to fulfil the requirements of education at schools and universities. A particularly noteworthy distinguishing feature of this microprocessor controlled compact unit is the quick-change feature of the X-ray tubes that enables the pre-performance of experiments with different X-ray tubes and, thereby, different anode materials.
The following experiments can be performed here:

  • Radiography of objects and observation with the aid of a fluoroscopic screen
  • Preparation of X-ray images of irradiated objects
  • Detection of the ionising effect of X-rays
  • Detection of Bragg reflection • Characterisation of X-ray spectra
  • Determination of the characteristic X-ray anode materials (Cu, Mo, Fe, and W)
  • Monochromatizating of X-rays with the aid of monocrystals or metal foil
  • Crystal analysis with the aid of X-ray spectroscopy and Laue and Debye-Scherrer methods
  • Determination of Planck’s quantum of action from the short-wave limit of the bremsspectrum of displacement)
  • Determination of the Rydberg constant
  • Determination of the absorption coefficients as a function of the thickness and atomic number of the absorber material and of the photon energy
  • Detection of absorption edges
  • Demonstration of the effects of contrast media applications • Compton scattering

List of Equipment

  1. X-Ray and CT System- Phywe
  2. Optical Demonstration Kits

Medical Imaging-II (MRI)


This lab is equipped with Fully functional Magnetic Resonance Tomograph (MRT) for teaching purposes, covering all aspects from the basic principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) to the high-resolution 2D and 3D MR imaging (MRI). It provides a comprehensive education experience by training with clinically relevant measuring procedures, high resolution MR imaging (2D, 3D), live visualisation of data, Realtime control of experimental parameters, determination of Larmor frequency, T1/T2 measurements, all MR parameters accessible, measurement of a multitude of samples with a diameter of up to one centimetre, software-driven didactical approach and suitable for a wide range of experiments.

List of Equipment

  1. MRT- Phywe  

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تاريخ آخر تحديث : ٠٩ يونيو ٢٠٢١
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