Geotechnical Engineering Lab
- CONEN 431 Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics
- CONEN 521/522 Senior Design Project.
Main Equipment
- Speedy moisture Tester
- Sand Equivalent Apparatus
- Constant Head Permeability Apparatus
- Digital Triaxial Test Apparatus
- Automatic Soil Compactor
- CBR Test (California Bearing Ratio)
- Plate bearing test Apparatus
- Field Vane Shear Apparatus
- Consolidation Apparatus
- Aggregate Impact Value Apparatus
- Semi-Automatic Cone Penetrometer
- Los Angeles Abrasion Machine
- Asphalt Centrifuge Extractors
- Digital CBR and Marshall test machine
- Bending Beam Rheometer
- Thin-Film Oven apparatus
- Gyratory Compactor
- Roller Compactor
- Wheel Tracking Machine.
Non Destructive Testing Laboratory
- CONEN 534 Topics in Construction Engineering
- CONEN 521/522 Senior Design Project 1.
- CONEN 332 Concrete Materials.
Main Equipment
- SCHMIDT Hammer (Manual and Digital)
- PUNDIT (Portable Ultrasonic Non - Destructive Indicating Tester)
- Rapid Chloride Permeability Test
- Moisture Meter (Aquameter)
- Rebar Detector
- Vaisala Structural Humidity Measurement Kit SHM40
- Corrosion of Reinforcement (COR MAP -II)
- Resipod (Resistivity Measurement).
Concrete and Strength of Materials Lab
- CONEN 332 Concrete Materials
- ENG 351 Strength of Materials
- CONEN 521/522 Senior Design Project.
Main Equipment
- Universal Testing Machine (UTM)
- Concrete Compression and Flexural Testing Machine
- Mortar Compression and Flexural Testing Machine
- Mortar Tension and Flexural Testing Machine
- Concrete Mixers
- Mortar Mixers
- Vibration Table
- Curing Tanks
- Oven
- Sieve Shaker
- Vicat’s Apparatus
- Apparatus for Aggregate Absorption, Specific Gravity and Unit Weight
- Set-up for measuring Rate of Water Absorption in Concrete
- Set-up for Accelerated Corrosion.
Universal Testing Machine Instron 600DX

The Instron 600DX Universal Testing Machine is used to test the tensile stress and compressive strength of materials. The Instron 600DX is designed for high-capacity tension, compression, bending/flexural and shear testing.
- Can be used to test construction mateirals such as: metals, wire rods, concrete as well as wood
- Materials can be tested to see if they conform to international standards, including:
- ASTM A370, A615
- BS 4449
- ISO 6892-1, 6892-2, 7438
Concrete Compression and Flexural Testing Machine

This machine is specifically designed for testing on hardened concrete compression test and flexural test for a varies standard specimen sizes.
The machine is capable to test on 150 and 100 mm concrete cubes or cylinders up to 320 x 160 mm diameter with maximum capacity 2000 kN.
Mortar Compression Testing Machine

The mortar compression machine is specifically designed for testing on hardened mortar, lime, cement and fly ash.
The machine provides platens fitted to the load frame, compression jig with 40 mm and 50mm or 2 inch square platen sets and flexural jig for testing 40 x 40 x 160 mm prisms.
The machine conforms to international standards testing such as EN 196-1, BS 3892-1, 4551-1, ASTM C109.
Vicat Apparatus

The Vicat Apparatus is used to determine cement consistency, setting time and soundness.
- The Vicat Apparatus helps to determine if materials conform to international standards, including:
- EN 196-1, 13454-2;
- ASTM C187, C191
Mortar Flexural Testing Machine

This single lever machine is designed for flexural tests on 40.1 x 40 x 160 mm mortar prisms and tensile tests on mortar briquettes.
The flexural test is useful for explaining the brittle material like cement mortar has a very low tensile strength compared to its flexural strength. The test by this machine is conform accordingly based on EN 196-1, 459-2, 1744-1, 1015-11, 13454-2, BS 3892-1, 4551-1 and ASTM C109.