
  1. Investigateand decide on students’ complaints connected to the material errors in calculating the degrees of the final exams without having the right to interfere with the academic staff member’s right of estimation.  
  2. Investigate and decide on students’ complaints that are connected to arbitrariness or mistreatment of students by the members of the academic staff.
  3.  Investigate and decide on students’ complaints connected to denying the student one of the established university services available to their counterparts.
  4. Provide anynecessary consultations to students with respect to the academic and nonacademic problems connected with the University.
  5. Make students aware of their academic rights and  the legitimate and official channels available to them in the University.
  6. Support students’ rights that conform with the rules and regulations in the University.   
Published on: 17 August 2014
Last update on: 07 September 2014
Page views: 1377