Vice Dean’s Tasks

  • To spread the culture of quality in the college or the institute.
  • To supervise the implementation of quality program in the college or the institute.
  • To supervise the quality of performance in the college or the institute.
  • To supervise the implementation of Quality and Academic Accreditation.
  • Prepare and implement the developmental and strategic plans of the college or institute.
  • To supervise the work in information and technology unit.
  • To find solutions for the problems that might face Quality and Academic Accreditation program.
  • Provide the necessary facilities for all quality committees.
  • Encourage the faculty members to attend and participate in training courses and workshops which is provided by deanship of educational development.
  • To prepare a plan to develop the faculty members’ skills.
  • To supervise the use of technologies, e-learning, educational media, and distance learning in teaching and learning within college.
  • To prepare the approved achievement reports of the departments and present it to the Dean for approval and report it to the Supervisor of Quality and Academic Accreditation.
  • To submit periodic reports to the Dean of the college about the development of work in his units.
  • To follow up the development of educational facilities in the college and enhance the laboratories.
  • Applying the work rules for Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation.
  • To supervise the financial affairs for the Vice Deanship for Studies, Development and Community Service.
  • To implement and follow up the activities of the awards of creativity and excellence in academic performance.
  • Develop the appropriate periodic plans for the periodic review of Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation standards to ensure continuous improvement in the performance of the academic departments and administrative units in the college.
  • Establish a mechanism to identify the expectations, requirements and level of satisfaction of the College's clients (internal and external) and communicate them to all academic departments and administrative units.
  • To follow up the development of the teaching performance of the faculty member in order to help him/her achieve professional and scientific excellence.
  • Maintain website updates in regards to Vice Deanship and affiliated administrative units.
  • Carry out tasks delegated by the Dean.

Vice Deanship for Development and Community Partnership Units

Alumni and Professional Development Unit

This unit is concerned with the continuous update of the graduates 'database and their opinions on the required curricula, skills, labor market and the difficulties they face after graduation, and urging them to communicate with the faculty, and to coordinate with the graduates' center.

Unit Tasks
  • Prepare a training plan for the alumni and those who expected to graduate.
  •  Implement a number of training courses and workshops for graduates who are expected to graduate according to the unit plan.
  • Implement a number of professional consultations for alumni and who are expected to graduate according to the unit plan.
  • Participate and attend the events of Alumni Center.
  • Rise the graduates’ awareness with the services of Alumni and Professional Development Center.
  • Submit periodic reports to the unit.

Skills Development Unit

This unit is concerned with identifying the training needs for the faculty members and participate in organizing training program and evaluate the effectiveness of these programs.

 Unit Tasks
  • Arrange training workshops for faculty members depending on their needs.
  • Coordinate with the Deanship of University development in organizing workshops, training programs and lectures for faculty members.
  • Coordinate with different departments of the college to provide training workshops or lectures for the faculty members.
  • Coordinate the library workshops for the faculty members.

Quality and Academic Accreditation Unit

This unit focuses on spreading the culture of quality and evaluating the performance level. Also, it implements strategic plans for the college and collect the data and information continuously about the quality activities. As well as submitting reports about the level of performance and the beneficiary satisfaction on different activities.

Unit Tasks

  • Review the courses and programs files before being approved by the competent authority.
  • Follow up the electronic evaluation for the courses and faculty members.
  • Follow up the requirements of the Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation concerning the advanced college programs for accreditation in terms of: forming consultative committees, self-study committees and their meetings, maintaining a copy of all activities as well as their meetings, and be a link between the Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation.
  • Receive a copy of the program and courses’ files report and ensure the integrity of their contents at the end of the semester.
  • Identify and follow up the workshops which are held in the college in coordination with the quality unit by having two workshops in the semester according to the quality deanship.
  •  Follow up the UD Metrics database, which has the number of students and the number of faculty members in each program.

Community Service and Sustainable Development Unit

Unit Tasks

  • The support unit should be a link between the Deanship of Community Service and Sustainable Development unit in relation to activating the community service of the university and applying its policies and procedures.
  • Apply the organizational structure of the support unit and link it with the department coordinators.
  • Follow up the administrative procedures necessary for entering data by the employees of this unit, after the permission to access the accounts in the portal for community service and sustainable development.
  • Follow up the completion of the financial procedures for the financial support available to the community service after giving the unit the necessary financial authority.
  • Provide technical support to deal with the E-Services.
  • Strengthen the role of the supporting unit in community service, and encourage its employees to contribute through the platforms available in the portal to serve the community and sustainable development at the university which contributes to enhance its image in the society.
  •  Recognize the difficulties and obstacles that limit the activation of the community service and try to overcome them.
  • Meet the needs of the employees to enhance their role in serving the community through the preparation of training workshops and awareness campaigns.
  • Submit periodic reports to the unit.
  •  Carry out tasks delegated by the deanship in relation to community service and sustainable development.

College Calendar Unit

Unit Tasks

  • Communicate with the deanships, departments, and units to check out their events.
  • To make a balance between the requirements of the deanships, departments, and units during the events’ days to ensure impartiality in the distribution in addition to achieving the goals.
  •  Start making schedules for calendar events as a draft.
  • Start to follow up the implementation of calendar activities from the first week of each semester.
  • Coordinate with department of maintenance and services at the College on a daily basis for the implementation of events calendar to organize the reservation of halls.
  • Coordinate with the Technical Output Unit on advertising, photographing and publishing events.  
  •  To take into account the flexibility of the schedule of events, as required by important events.
  • Coordinate the internal celebrations.
  • Activate the days and periodic events.
  •  Provide Hijri calendars at the beginning each year.
  • Coordinate internal and external visits.

  Information Technology Unit

 This unit is responsible for supervising the progress of the college labs, e-learning halls, implementing the approved policies and programs for the fields of information technology and educational services, achieving the objectives set for them and coordinate with the Deanship of Information Technology.

 Unit Tasks

  • Supervising the computer labs.
  • Supervising the e-learning laboratories.
  • Supervising the follow-up of audiovisual equipment.
  • Supervising the technical support in the college in all related equipment.

Executive Strategic Plan Committee

Unit Tasks
  • Prepare a strategic plan based on the basic reference.
  • Collect data and information from the departments, and units of the college to support the work of building a plan.
  • To communicate with the relevant parties within the strategic plan inside and outside the university with the approval of the authority holder.
  • Presenting the draft plan through a general workshop for all faculty members and employees.
  • Submit the final plan to the Strategic Plan Committee for consideration and approval.

Contact Us

Vice Deanship for Development and Community Partnership

Dr. Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al-Sheikh
Phone: 32378

Published on: 27 May 2019
Last update on: 20 November 2022
Page views: 1072