
The Student Medical Symposium was established after the acceptance of the President of the University Dr. Abdullah Al Rubaish in 1438 H. the symposium is organized by Med-students for their peers in IAU as well as other universities. The symposium is held annually and supervised by the College of Medicine and represented by the Alumni and Career Development Unit in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs. The symposium is considered one of its kind in the Eastern Province and it has received accreditation from the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.


Leadership and distinction on the level of Medical student symposiums inside and outside of the Kingdom.


Provide educational, research and ethical programs for students and to contribute by volunteering in health community services.


  1. To highlight the role and importance of every individual in achieving the Kingdom's Vision and its national transformation.
  2. Mention the obstacles faced by health staff especially students and suggest steps to solve them.
  3. Enriching the sense of leadership and responsibility in medical students that will assist in raising the competence of our future medical graduates in the Kingdom.
  4. To introduce the University's efforts in developing the academic, ethical and research skills of its medical students.
  5. Encourage students to refine and develop their personal skills and to serve the community.
  6. Provide a platform for students who wish to practice their leadership, communication and groupwork skills.
  7. Reinforce the concept of volunteer work and community service.


  • Dr. Mohammed Saeed Al Shahrani - Symposium Supervisor
  • Dr. Mona Al Ismael - Head, Alumni and Career Development Office
  • Ahmed Mohammed Al Muslami - Symposium Founder
  • Abdullah Saleh Al Kattan - Symposium Co-Founder

Contac Us

Email: DAMSC.2017@gmail.com


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Published on: 18 February 2018
Last update on: 11 March 2018
Page views: 1789