Gulf Girl Charity Partnership – “Home Health Care Program”

As part of various role rendered by the university, the unit plays a leading role in the community services by the cooperation agreement between the College of Nursing and College of Applied Studies & Community Service with the Gulf Girl Charity Society in Khobar. The agreement aims at rendering home health care program consisting of three specialized courses targeted Saudi girls who can care for the privacy of the patients, keeping the customs, traditions and culture of the Saudi society and in the same time rendering home health care. These courses reflect the university firm belief of the importance of its community service in various material, moral and psychological aspects of benevolent institutions and societies which are rendering services to different categories of the society. These courses come in a manner to strengthen the role of the university particularly to provide domestic health care, social and awareness programs contributing in transferring the healthy stable patients back home and give the chance for the most-care needed patients for hospital admission. 

Introduction of cognitive and behavioral skills for Saudi girls selected from the most needed families, which are cared for by the Gulf Girls Charity Society to qualify them for presenting domestic health care for the patients requiring home care such as elderly women, special needs categories, pregnant mothers and children. 

The program consists of three training courses as follows:

  1. Elderly women care
  2. Maternity and child care 
  3. Special needs care 
Participating Categories of College of Nursing


The theoretical subject and clinical training for the above three course are given in the labs after noon from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm according to the plan of each course by the College of Nursing. The field practical training is usually done in the morning period from08:00 a.m to 12:00 am. 

The students are evaluated at the end of each course by written and practical exams and tests in the clinical labs. To ensure achieving the targeted objectives of this program, the participant girls give their opinions through a survey questionnaire at the end of each course to know their views about the contents of the course in order to identify the positives and negatives of these programs and courses for improvement. 

The College Applied Studies and Community Service covers the financial cost and consumables materials of these courses as well as over hourly stipends for the teaching staff for their participation.

We are proud to state that the number of girls who successfully completed the program during the last academic years including the current year and find jobs in various health institutions exceeded 130 girls. 

Number of graduated student since program start until 2015

Number of graduated student who were employed



Public health with Ministry of Education Schools Partnership in Dhahran

 Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University represented by College of Nursing has signed an agreement with Office of Education in Dhahran confirming the role of the college in the community service in its field. The ad hoc committee of this partnership paid several inspection visits to a number of schools in Dhahran area to identify the most needed requirements in the field of health awareness to the students of the schools. 

An agreement was reached on the initial aspects of cooperation between Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University and proposed partners as follows:

Office of Education in Dhahran

The office reviewed the most important community programs rendered by the office for the students in Dhahran area and the executed activities. They agreed to start with obesity and physical fitness programs in Dhahran schools in cooperation between Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University represented by College of Nursing and College of Applied Medical Sciences under the umbrella of Deanship of Community Services & Sustainable Development.

College of Nursing

The college suggested creating carefully studied programs to be applied in these schools (awareness + field programs). The college further suggested that a joint cooperation shall be persuaded in community services programs of Dhahran schools made by the College of Nursing and College of Applied Medical Sciences. For this purpose, the College of Nursing requested the Office of Education in Dhahran to list the boy and girls school in the areas well as the total number of boy and girl students and their teachers. 

College of Applied Medical Sciences

The College of Applied Medical Sciences suggested a health schools program by participation of multiple sections of the college including: Environmental Health Dept., Heart Technology Dept.,  Respiratory Care Dept, Clinical Laboratory Sciences Dept. , Medical Nutrition Dept., Physiotherapy Dept. , Radioactive Sciences Dept. and Management of Information Technology Dept. 

Deanship of Community Service & Sustainable Development

 Suggested participation of the Office of Education in Dhahran in Evacuation Plans Programs through application one of the Deanship's initiative "Dafeh National Training Program"

Published on: 01 May 2016
Last update on: 16 May 2017
Page views: 1361