
The Community Service Unit, College of Nursing, University of Dammam has been established by the approval of H.E University Rector No. 970 dated 15/11/1433H as the first community service units at all university level colleges. The unit aims at providing health service to the community through multiple activities contained in the college syllabus as well as non-curriculum activities and community initiatives contributing to solution of community problems in a manner coping with the aspiration and requirements of the community. The unit works in coordination with the Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs as well as Community Services & Sustainable Development Deanship in the University. University teaching staff, students and administrators representing all sections and departments of the college participate in rendering community service programs. 


Creating an encouraging and motivated environment in the Community Service Unit of Nursing College in Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University to prepare community health awareness programs related to public health using different activities that will increase the level of health awareness among the community.


Activating the community service and building a firm relationship between the College of Nursing and all community categories to help meeting their needs and contribute to dissemination of health awareness among the community members. 


  • Rendering health and awareness to different categories of the community. 
  • Planning, organizing the community services activities rendered by the college and college members.
  • Assisting the Deanship of Community Services & Sustainable Development in planning and organizing all matters that facilitate the progress of work in the unit. 
  • Issuance of internal decisions needed for the good functioning of work in the community service unit in strict compliance of applicable rules and regulations. 
  • Encourages the college graduate to participate in the college’s sponsored activities. 
  • Coordinates with various university departments, sections and units to raise the standards of the service presented by the unit. 
  • Addressing the college management, heads of section according to the powers and authorities vested unto them. 
  • Achieves he community integration by concluding strategic participation with both public and private sections. 
  • Strengthens the concepts of voluntary works suitable with the community services fields.
  • Enriches and provides the community with studies and specific researches on community issues and problems and finding integrated solutions. 
  • Prepares a regular report on the activities of the unit before submission to the competent authorities. 

Activity of The Unit

The community service activities rendered by the units includes the following: 

  • The Community Curricular Activities: it includes all activities that are related to the courses syllabi which look at the community issues and offer to solve the community problems.
  • Extracurricular Activities: It includes all extracurricular activities that involve students and related to the community and its development as well as help in treating any of its issues. These activities are requested from inside or outside the college and the university such as charities, governmental and private institutions and schools. 

Annual Reports

Published on: 01 May 2016
Last update on: 22 January 2023
Page views: 1828