Operations and Maintenance Department

The Operation and Maintenance Department identifies, evaluates and inventories equipment and utility systems utilized throughout the institution. The staff provides education to personnel on the capabilities, limitations and special applications of equipment and utility systems; operating, safety and emergency procedures; the procedures to follow when reporting equipment and utility systems management problems, failures and user errors; and the skills and/or information to perform maintenance activities.
The Operations and Maintenance Department handles, but not limited to the following utilities:

  • Life Support Systems
    1. Medical and Surgical Vacuum and Air Delivery Systems
    2. Medical Gases Distribution System
    3. Emergency Power System: The Utility Systems Management Program shall maintain a complete, labeled inventory of all emergency power systems and the loads they serve.
  • Infection Control Systems
    1. Sterilizers and Related Equipment
    2. Water Treatment
  • Environmental Support Systems
    1. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System
    2. Chillers/Chilled Water Systems
  • Equipment Support
    1. Electrical Distribution System
    2. Elevators: Vertical transportation systems (and Dumbwaiters)
    3. Boilers and Steam Delivery Systems
    4. Plumbing and Water Delivery Systems
    5. Sewage lifting Systems, when applicable.
  • Electronic and Communication Systems
    1. Patient Call Systems
    2. Fire Alarm System
    3. Building Management System (BMS)
    4. Medical Gas Alarm System
    5. Telephone and Public Announcement.

Biomedical Department

Biomedical Engineering (BME) Department strives to serve all clinical departments of the hospital who uses biomedical equipment. Clinical departments include all staff of medical and allied health services, namely: Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Physiotherapists, Respiratory therapists, Pharmacists and Other Allied Health Professionals. BME department coordinates with various suppliers and subcontractors for procuring equipment and its maintenance. All employees in the hospital collaborate with BME department in ensuring safe use of biomedical equipment and receive notification of product recall or alert either from the supplier/vendor or internally from individual departments that have identified a product defect. All services or instructions from BME department are listed to all Medical and Clinical Departments in the Hospital;

  • The BME department provides the following services to all Medical and Clinical Departments in the Hospital.
  • Technical Support Service for the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment includes the repairs, maintenance, calibrations and adjustments.Monitor the Technical Services provided and performed by vendors either under warranty, service contracts or special purchase orders for the repair services.
  • Assist the administration, Medical and clinical Departments by doing the technical evaluation of proposed new equipment purchase for the hospital as a technical member of Hospital Equipment Committee.
  • Perform technical incoming inspections and safety checks, and monitor the installations performed by suppliers/vendors (as required) for the New Equipment Purchases. Assigning BME Control Numbers.
  • Demonstrations and training to Medical and Nursing staff for the use of Medical Equipment by BME staff or vendor/supplier/sole agent (as required).
  • Technical support for outside UD (University of Dammam) Clinics for the biomedical equipment (as required) after the Hospital Administration’s approval.
  • Proper disposal of condemned or retired medical equipment.

Hours of Service Provision
BME Department will be available around the clock, 7 days a week, including holidays to provide routine services in addition to emergency services.

Published on: 09 August 2014
Last update on: 19 January 2017
Page views: 3353