The Information, Learning, and Research Commons (ILRC) facilitates the university community with their information, learning and research needs in an innovative way. This department is equipped with the latest technological devices and run by highly qualified personnel to fulfill the following objectives:


  • Offer faculty, students, and researchers customized and integrated access to electronic information resources, multimedia, and print resources.
  • Provide the resources and space for learning in a collaborative and innovative way.
  • Offer the facilities and training necessary to meet the demands of research and publishing.
  • Organize and conduct activities through Liaison Librarians


Dr. Mirza Muhammad Naseer

Assistant Professor
Head of Information, Learning, and Research Commons Unit (ILRC)
Main Central Library

Office Phone: 0 1333 32819

Published on: 12 November 2014
Last update on: 11 June 2023
Page views: 1369