Position Description:

An academic, administrative position reporting to the assigned dean and helping him through overseeing the processes of development and quality, achieving standards of accreditation and academic assessment in the educational and community process within the academic departments, assuring the quality of administrative work within the college and working on developing and improving performance in all aspects and spreading its culture.


  • Devoting the concept of quality and spreading its culture college-wise.
  • Overseeing the application of quality programs at the college.
  • Overseeing the assessment of performance at the college.
  • Overseeing implementation of the assessment and academic accreditation program.
  • Preparing and implementing developmental and strategic plans for the college.
  • Studying difficulties or problems which face programs of development and quality and proposing solutions. 
  • Identifying specialized training needs for faculty members at the academic departments and coordinating with competent deanships to implement them.
  • Stimulating faculty members to participate in attending training courses and programs as well as workshops offered by the competent deanships.
  • Overseeing the preparation of a plan to develop the college affiliates, including faculty members and staff skills.
  • Overseeing the preparation of the annual report for the college and distribute it to the competent authorities after being approved by the dean.
  • Providing periodical reports to dean of the college on work progress in the units reporting to it according to the tasks entrusted therewith and the difficulties that they may face.
  • Developing the internal system of work within the Vice-Deanship for Development and Quality, competences, general description of its staff’s responsibilities, and how to coordinate among such units reporting thereto. 
  • Overseeing implementing all what shall be referred, including such issues related to development and quality.
  • Implementing and tracing the activities of rewards of creativity and excellence in the academic, research and functional performance at the college.
  • Laying down interim plans adequate to the periodical review of recognized quality standards to ensure continuous improvement in the academic programs of the college.
  •  Laying out a mechanism to learn about aspirations, requirements and satisfaction of the college clients (internal and external) and inform them to all the academic departments and relevant administrative units.
  • Overseeing awareness and community service for all the college affiliates. 
  • Overseeing developing alumni’s skills and connecting them with the college on the one hand, and job market on the other hand through the relevant initiatives and contributions.
  • Overseeing activation of the consultative services and agreements concluded between the college and similar institutions locally, regionally and internationally.
  • Implementing any work instructed by dean of the college.

Vice-Deanship for Development and Community Partnership’s Units:

Quality Control & Academic Accreditation Unit:

  • To follow up on the quality and academic accreditation-related transactions and studies at the quality offices within the academic departments.
  • To collect data and information about quality activities at the college continuously.
  • To trace preparing the annual plan concerning forming teamwork for the proposed projects.
  • To follow up on preparing the periodical reports issued by the college quality assurance offices.
  • To follow up evaluations of students and faculty members at the college.
  • To work on the surveys related to the program (Istibana “survey”) and extract reports and results.
  • To work on updating the college and academic departments data through the website UD metrics.
  • To coordinate with the Deanship of Quality & Academic accreditation regarding accreditation of the academic programs.

Statistical Analysis & Measurement Unit:

  • Analyzing data and statistics related to students’ results of the academic courses.
  • Providing the competent authorities with the data and statistical information according to instructions.
  • Deducting statistical indicators related to the performance of the college's different academic departments and its units to make use of in planning and making appropriate decisions.
  • Making comparisons of performance data and indicators at the college.

Awareness & Community Service Unit:

  • Spreading community service culture among the college affiliates.
  • Communicating with external community entities to implement their programs and activities.
  • Following up on documentation of the community activities within the community responsibility bank.
  • Prepare a report on community service activities and submit it to the Vice-Dean for Studies, Development & Community Service.
  • Assessing the college participation in community service activities and events.
  • Supervising the activation of community agreements and partnerships concluded between the external institutions and the university. 
  • Preparing the community service handbook in collaboration with the departmental coordinators.
  • Undertaking all that is assigned to it by the Vice-Dean for Studies, Development & Community Service. 

Assessment and Development Unit of Career Performance and Excellence:

  • Announcing the excellence awards (on the college and the university level) and urging members to apply for.
  • Ensuring that the nominees’ files fulfill the award requirements as per the specified standards.

Alumni& Career Development Unit:

  • Enhancing the college's relation with the alumni.
  • Advising the alumni concerning the job market requirements.
  • Developing a mechanism to trace employment of the college graduates in the agencies recruiting the alumni.
  • Orienting students to involve in the job market.
  • Marketing the college outputs in the job market.
  • Making use of the job market feedback on the graduate regarding developing the academic programs offered by the college.
  • Preparing alumni’s data and information.
  • Enumerating the employers’ data.
  • Surveying alumni’s satisfaction with the academic programs’ LOs. 
  • Surveying employers’ opinions about the college outputs and programs.
  • Conducting studies to help the college align its specializations with the job market requirements.
  • Identifying the training needs as per the relevant data and statistics.
  • Holding workshops on developing the alumni’s skills.
  • Preparing training programs to develop fresh graduates’ skills and create skills adequate to the job market requirements.
  • Advising students about job opportunities available in the job market.
  • Preparing periodical bulletins on the job market requirements.
  • Preparing alumni handbook.

Risk Management Unit:

  • Receiving risks related to incidents or disasters and informing them through the electronic protection system for risk management.
  • Reviewing the incident report informed about to ensure its completion (date of the incident- description-location).
  • Conducting necessary investigations and communicating with the competent authorities to learn about reasons of the respective incident.
  • Helping the root cause analysis team complete the investigation.
  • Preparing a plan for risk management at the college.
  • Laying down plans to address incidents and prevent their recurrence. 
  • Preparing the report and sharing it with Risk Management Unit at Deanship of Quality & Academic Accreditation. 

Unit of Skills Development & Continuing Education:

  • Laying down a proposed plan for the training programs and workshops in a manner serves faculty members and staff’s needs.
  • Overseeing the training courses and workshops including any subsequent responsibility such as coordination and follow-up. 
  • Implementing reports of the units.
  • Providing the appropriate authorities with statistical data and information according to instructions.
  • Deducting statistical indicators related to performance of the college different academic departments and its units to make use of in planning and making appropriate decisions.
  • Helping faculty members develop the educational practices much more in field of development.
  • Making comparisons of performance data and indicators at the college.

Unit of Consulting Studies:

  • Supervising the conclusion of the agreements and MOUs concluded between the college and its counterpart locally, regionally, and internationally.
  • Activating cooperation with (consultancy) reporting to the Institute of Consulting Studies at the university.
  • Providing consulting services to all entities in both the public and private sectors as well as the civil society organizations by contracting and contributing to finding out solutions to the developmental, social, environmental, economic, and industrial problems and the public works sector.

Contact us

Dr. Abeer Bint Abdel Latif Al-Ja’fari

Vice-Dean of Development & Community Partnership

Tel: 013- 3338113

E-mail: vdqp.art@iau.edu.sa  

Published on: 20 November 2022
Last update on: 20 November 2022
Page views: 1042