Position Description:

An academic, administrative position reporting to the assigned dean and helping him through overseeing the educational, academic, and research process and the units reporting to him at the college and working on providing a motivating academic environment to ensure that LOs are able to keep up with latest developments and requirements through providing distinctive cognitive services, developing and enriching the academic curricula, introducing academic programs, supporting students academically and encouraging the academic activities. 


  •  To oversee the development of academic programs and investigate LOs.
  • To oversee enforcement of regulations and executive rules of the by-law of university study and examinations.
  • To oversee the units reporting to the Academic Affairs.
  • To oversee preparing the academic schedules for students at the academic departments in coordination with other colleges and in collaboration with the Deanship of Admission & Registration and the academic schedules committee.
  • To oversee the distribution of students to the college's various departments in coordination with the departments.
  • To oversee the final exams and form their committees in coordination with the academic departments and the Deanship of Admission & Registration.
  • To oversee the application of rules of admission, transfer, and visit from and to the respective college and among the academic departments.
  • To chair the committee, reporting to the vice-deanship and submitting their reports to the competent authorities.
  • To oversee the process of academic course equivalence.
  • To oversee requests of study postponement and excuse as well as omission, addition, and re-registration of undergraduate students as per the rules and decisions issued in this concern.
  • To oversee preparing lists of denied students and lists of graduates.
  • To oversee events of the orientation week at the college.
  • To advise and guide students and further solve problems related to academic achievement in coordination with the University Counseling Center “UCC.”
  •  To submit periodical reports to the dean of the college on workflow at the units reporting to him as per tasks entrusted to him and difficulties that it may face.
  • Coordinate with the college units in relevant aspects.
  • To undertake work of the college council secretariat.
  • To trace updating the college’s website in terms of Academic Affairs.
  • To approve the final exam results.
  • To follow up the e-lesson preparation in the academic departments.
  • To check out the teaching burden schedule for faculty members in the academic departments.

Units of Vice-Deanship for Academic Affairs:

A. Student Affairs Division

1. Admission & Registration Unit

  • To follow up on student registration on the SIS.
  • To reply to registration requests on the system (two courses in lower levels- bypass a prerequisite- closed section- a course in higher level- a time conflict- bypass statutory period of study).
  • To tackle problems of registration.
  • To reply to students’ inquiries via the e-mail of the Unit of Admission & Registration.
  • To register those students who are dismissed or granted the extra chance.
  • To study cases of those students who bypassed the statutory period of study.
  • To set the capacity in coordination with the academic departments and follow up electronic majoring. 
  • To review reports on the electronically specializing students within the collective majoring period sent by the Deanship of Admission & Registration.
  • To study requests of individual majoring after closing the collective majoring.
  • To follow up requests of major change and track change and further take appropriate decisions.
  • To trace requests of transfer from outside the university and ensure they are conformed with the conditions of transfer and carry out course equivalence. 
  • To register such courses remaining from the preparatory year of study for those transferred students in coordination with the human track. 
  • To trace requests of transfer from inside the university colleges and ensure they are conformed with the conditions of transfer.
  • To trace requests of visits outside the university colleges and ensure that equivalence is conformed with the number of registered credit hours.
  • To follow up, insert the equivalence on the SIS (Student Information system) after the student comes back from the visit.
  • To follow up on requests of visits among the university colleges and take the appropriate decision.
  • To follow up on requests of visits from outside the university colleges and course registration on the SIS (Student Information system). 
  • To follow up on requests of withdrawal from a course.
  • To follow up on requests for re-registration. 
  • To follow up on requests for postponement. 
  • To follow up on requests for excuses for not studying.
  • To document students’ absence excuse forms.
  • To follow up on requests for clearance.
  • To follow up on connecting courses among the colleges on the system.
  • To approve lists of students expecting to graduate on the system.
  • To approve lists of graduate students.
  • To prepare statistics on students required for the annual report.
  • To participate in preparing the study plan for summer semester.

2. Academic Counseling Unit

  • To prepare an executive plan for academic supervision.
  • Meet with members of the academic supervision unit periodically to discuss work developments and any prospective tasks.
  • To raise students’ awareness about the objectives of the academic supervision unit and how to make use of its services through meetings, the blackboard, social media, and bulletins. 
  • To cooperate with the coordinators of academic supervision within different departments to advise students on the correct method for registration as per the approved plan of each department and each level and help them overcome the problems of registration. 
  • To work on developing and updating the programs offered by the academic supervision unit.
  • To hold the programs which support low-performance students, like peer tutorials and others.
  • To praise those excellent students of the departments and always motivate them.
  • To work on developing students’ skills through relevant training courses and programs.
  • To prepare and issue the handbooks and forms which serve the process of academic supervision.
  • To prepare the semester reports, which summarize the process of academic counseling in general and any difficulties or recommendations for improvement.
  • To activate services of academic supervision on the SIS and oversee them.
  • To study all that shall be referred from the Vice-Deanship for Academic Affairs concerning cases of postponement, excuse, withdrawal, and low performance.
  • To hold periodical meetings in order to discuss such reports submitted by the coordinators of academic supervision at the academic departments and student counselors to address difficulties and make use of recommendations for improvement in order to improve quality during the current/next semester.
  • To follow up, insert all that is related to the academic supervision on the student support system.

3. Student Activities Unit

  • To prepare the executive and time plans for curricular and extra-curricular student activities at the college in coordination with the respective departments.
  • To implement the programs offered by the university Vice-Presidency for Student Affairs, such as (the university’s Dorah “pearl” competition- the cultural competition…) and take the appropriate action.
  • To implement the scientific labels competition at the College of Arts and supervise it annually.
  • To prepare the National Day ceremony in collaboration with the academic departments and the supportive units at the college.
  • To officially communicate with external entities to implement its curricula and extra-curricular programs and activities.
  • To officially communicate with internal entities at the university to obtain official consent for implementing the activities and hosting.
  • To prepare the appropriate environment to implement student events and activities in collaboration with the relevant entities to facilitate implementing such events.
  • To follow up on implementing student curricular and extra-curricular events and activities in cooperation with the departmental coordinators, chairwoman of the student council, and leader of the College of Arts’ student club and ensure that they are aligned with the renewed Los (journeys/ exhibitions/ visits/ symposiums/ workshops…).
  • To provide the academic departments and the student council, as well as the College of Arts’ student club, with any needs for the respective activity (if any) as custody of the department, such as: (speakers/amplifiers/rolling display/ projector…).
  • To field oversee the student activities at the college and provide available support.
  • To assess activities as per specified standards by the office of the student activities unit. 
  • To issue certificates for the programs and activities offered by the unit.
  • To oversee the student council’s activities at the college and plan to implement the annual student elections.
  • To oversee the College of Arts’ student club and coordinate and collaborate with the academic departments to implement its programs.
  • To document the community programs and activities offered by the student council and the College of Arts’ student club through the community responsibility bank.
  • To assess and measure the impact of student activities in supporting students’ academic achievement and formulating their professional personality through forma surveys and other opinion survey methods.
  • Prepare and update forms and handbooks of the student activities unit periodically, if necessary.
  • To follow up, insert all that is related to student activities on the student support system.
  • Prepare a comprehensive term report on the unit work and submit same to the dean and the vice-dean at the end of each semester.

B. Time-Tables & Exams Unit

1. Time-Tables Central Unit

  • To prepare a list of the academic course branches, including lecture timing, branch capacity, classroom, and faculty member’s name.
  • To prepare all types of timetables for the respective college.
  • To prepare classroom timetables for all academic departments.
  • To prepare all forms, tables, and statistics which help prepare the above-mentioned time-tables.
  • To insert these timetables on the People Soft program.
  • To insert and review the instructor’s teaching burden within the SIS.
  • To print and review insert reports within the SIS before closing the system.
  • To follow up on registration for all academic departments during the registration period.
  • To follow up on any updates made to the approved study plans in all academic departments.
  • To provide the units reporting to the vice-dean for academic affairs and the academic departments with all the central timetables approved in the unit.


2. Exams Central Unit

  •  To supervise the mid-term, final, and summer exams for all the academic departments and the general first year of study, as well as the general, excused, and incomplete courses.
  • To set a mechanism for the final exams for all departments before the student registration period and also schedules of term, summer, excused, and incomplete courses and announce them to students via the available means.
  • To form committees on the final, term, and summer exams for all departments and announce them to students.
  • To set schedules of observers and responsible persons for exam procedures from the teaching and administrative staff.
  • To receive requests from students on course conflicts and incomplete and send them to the academic departments and trace them.
  • To receive grievance requests from students (re-marking) and send them to the academic departments and review and oversee them.
  • To prepare detailed reports on the mid-term, final, and summer exams and submit them to Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs.
  • Coordinate with the time-tables central unit in order to provide them with empty classrooms and the number of students registered in courses.
  • To receive excuses of absent students about the mid-term and final, and summer exams and reply to them.

3. Assessment and Examination Quality Unit

  • To oversee the committee on assessment and examination work at the academic departments.
  • To ensure quality of student and examination assessment at the college.
  • To follow up on the implementation of assessment and examination policies for all the college programs.
  • To generally supervise building question banks for courses at the respective college.
  • Coordinate with the Quality of Assessment and Examinations Center and the training entities at the university assigned to train faculty members on how to prepare and apply procedures and activities of student assessment.
  • To prepare the technical reports on examinations and other assessment methods and clarify strengths and weaknesses and distinctive practices and submit to the Quality of Assessment and Examinations Center at the university after submitting by the vice-dean to the college council.
  • To cooperate with the Quality of Assessment and Examinations Center reporting to the Vice-Presidency for Academic Affairs to implement tasks and assignments specified by the center in the respective academic departments. 

4. Central Network Unit

  • To oversee organizing students (entrance and exit) from the classroom during one academic week.
  • To monitor students’ behavior and observe them inside the classroom during one academic day.
  • To prepare term reports on the observers at the end of each semester.

C. Curricula & Instructional Aids Branch

1. Academic Programs Development Unit

  •  To periodically follow up work of the committees on the development of the academic programs for the academic departments.
  • Ensure that procedures of modification to course specifications for the academic departments are completed.
  • To follow up the departmental development committees concerning their adherence to that study plans are conformed with instruments of the National Framework for Qualifications, instruments of the National Commission for assessment & Academic Accreditation, the new handbook of the academic programs, and the handbook for reviewing and developing the academic programs.
  • To follow up inserting the assignments and grades on the SIS by heads of the departments and provide them with the necessary evidences and refer any technical problems related thereto.
  • To follow up on problems that faculty members may face with the system of assignments and grades and submit them, if necessary.
  • To trace the academic departments’ needs from learning resources and references and submit to provide them to the central library.
  • Coordinate between the academic departments and the central library for training faculty members and students according to their needs from workshops offered by the central library.
  • To make the academic departments acquainted with references available in the library which serve the respective department in order to make use of them.
  • To follow up and archive the academic departments and the college councils after being approved.
  • To prepare a term report on the academic programs regarding the process of development and submit it to H.E Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs.

2. E-Learning & Distance Education Unit:

  • To provide support and assistance to students and faculty members.
  • To follow up on the e-courses within the Blackboard for the distance education instructors.
  • To oversee the project of building and developing the e-courses on the primary level.
  • To submit lists of courses that need reference e-courses at each academic semester to the Deanship of E-Learning & Distance Education.
  • To oversee the project of building and developing interactive e-courses.
  • To supervise the project of developing the digital content industry diploma.
  • Coordinate with the Deanship of E-Learning to hold training courses related to implementing the projects of e-learning for the participating faculty members.
  • To submit such technical problems that may face faculty members while implementing the projects of e-learning.

3. College of Arts Field Training Unit

  • Addressing various training agencies to provide adequate sites for training students.
  • Following up training students in different training places in coordination with the academic departments at the respective college.
  • Preparing unified forms of field training for the academic departments heeding nature of the major.
  • Providing consultations during the field training to all responsible persons.
  • Providing a final report on the process of field training.   

The Sub-Committee on Student Behavior Control

  • To investigate over such offenses committed by college students or others from another college in the presence of members of the respective committees if committed inside the college.
  • To recommend enforcing the penalties stipulated by the regulation of student behavior control and refer to the permanent committee to consider and approve.
  • To advise the offending students and put a limit to their behavior through the educational and remedial methods available at the university.
  • To prepare an annual report on types of cases and recommendations and submit same to the H.E. Dean of the college.

Contact Us

Dr.Jamlaa Bint Mubarak Al-Merri

Vice-Dean of the College

Tel: 013 3338123

Email: reg.art.d@iau.edu.sa  


Published on: 19 November 2022
Last update on: 19 November 2022
Page views: 1204