Position Description

An academic, administrative position reporting to the assigned dean and helping him through overseeing the educational, academic, and research process for post-graduate studies students and the units reporting to him at the college according to achieving the regulatory goals and following up implementing strategic plans which accomplish the university’s general objectives; to undertake to oversee the academic and administrative staff within the deanship and report to the dean of the college and he further is a member of the college council.


  • To implement and follow up the college policy for graduate studies and scholarships.
  • To oversee the development and review of terms and conditions of admission to graduate studies.
  • To oversee the processes of graduate studies and their exams and committees at the college.
  •  Coordinate with the college units in all relevant areas.
  • To chair the committees reporting to the vice-deanship and submit its reports to the competent authorities.
  • To supervise events of the orientation program for graduate studies students and follow up on its implementation.
  • To supervise the college activities and develop its capabilities in the field of scientific research.
  • To supervise the development of research strategy and plan and further set mechanism of implementation at the college.
  • To supervise the provision of financial support for research from the university and external funders.
  • To receive and follow up on departmental needs from researchers, faculty members, and teaching assistants of different specializations.
  • To supervise the status of college scholars abroad.
  • To receive graduate studies students’ files who apply for the Deanship of Post-Graduate Studies and distribute them to the different academic departments.
  •  To receive the departmental decision concerning graduate studies students’ requests and send same to the Deanship of Post-Graduate Studies after being approved by the college council.
  • To oversee requests of study postponement and excuse as well as the processes of omission and addition and lists of denial as per rules and regulations issued in particular to students of graduate studies.
  • To coordinate with the Deanship of Scientific Research at the university and the center of research at the college and other research institutions concerning conducting research and getting support to them.
  • Coordinate with the department of recruitment regarding the recruitment of faculty members and researchers.
  • To encourage creating of distinctive scientific chairs or outstanding research centers.
  • To submit periodical reports to the dean of the college on workflow at the units reporting to him according to tasks entrusted to him and any obstacles he may face.
  • To supervise the units reporting to his vice-deanship.
  • To supervise the implementation of any graduate studies and scientific research-related subjects referred to him.
  • To follow up on updating the college’s website regarding his vice-deanship and its administrative units.
  • To implement any tasks entrusted to him by the dean of the college.

Units Reporting to Deanship of Scientific Research & Innovation:

Unit of College Council Secretariat:

  • To receive the academic department councils after being approved by the dean of the college.
  • To follow up those units reporting to the college vice-deans in preparing the college council memos.
  • To prepare the invitation to attend the council and the agenda and then submit the memos and send them (electronically) to members of the council via (Access Acronis) software and the university e-mail.
  • To prepare the council minutes and oversee signing them and then submit them to the office of the President of the university for approval.
  • To trace submitting letters related to the council memos to the appropriate authorities.
  • To follow up transactions with the competent authorities.
  • To distribute a copy of the college council (electronic) to vice-deans and heads of departments for reviewing and keeping. 

Unit of Post-Graduate Studies & Scientific Research

This unit is assigned to stimulate national, regional, and international students to join post-graduate studies and to develop faculty members' and teaching staff’s skills in the field of graduate studies in order to achieve the quality of research. Its tasks are as follows:

  • To prepare annual statistics and reports on post-graduate studies students. 
  • Admission and registration and creating e-files for accepted students.
  • To follow up and prepare for mid-term and final exams.
  • To follow up on statutory periods of study and deductions.
  • To follow up on teaching burdens and financial accruals of faculty members.
  • To trace approval of introducing graduate studies programs.
  • To prepare memos of graduate studies students’ cases after being approved by the college council and refer same to the Deanship of Graduate Studies.
  • To inform students and respective departments about decisions made by the deanship after being approved by the university board.
  • Register students on (the PeopleSoft) system and open the branches at the beginning of each semester, and forward the results at the end of the semester.
  • To prepare a database for graduate studies students and update it continuously. 
  • To issue statements and identification certificates for higher studies students.
  • To complete requests of postponement for semesters and engagement after the end of postponement for graduate studies students. 
  • Prepare supervision reports and the semester report at the end of each semester for graduate studies students. 
  • To organize scientific discussions for graduate studies students. 
  • To complete transactions of awarding academic degrees for graduate studies students. 

Scientific Research Unit

This unit is assigned to enhance the efficiency and competence of the college, being one of the distinctive research centers which work on developing sharing and cooperation with educational and research institutions and centers as well as the social institutions on a local, regional and international levels; it further works on developing new and creative areas of research in rare and distinguished specializations whose tasks shall be as follows:

  • To prepare the executive research plan and trace the implementation of its projects, record its procedures, follow up the departmental research plans and assess its performance.
  • To oversee organizing scientific conferences and forums.
  • To follow up partnerships and interdisciplinary studies and cognitive exchange inside and outside the academic departments.

Scholarship Unit

The unit is assigned to meet the departments’ needs from teaching assistants and lecturers and ensure they are granted a scholarship in high-level and distinctive worldly-rated universities and further follow up with them and its tasks are as follows:

  • To follow up on the status of scholarships (internal and external) for teaching assistants and lectures of the college.
  • To prepare the memos concerning MA & Ph.D. degrees including (scholarship- extension of scholarship- change of major- change of university- online study- postponement of scholarship- termination of scholarship- scientific trip- scholarship upgrade)
  • To create a database for the scholars and update it periodically.
  • To prepare the scholarship unit-related statistics and reports.
  • To submit financial accruals of the internal scholars (book and reference allowance, printing and binding allowance).
  • To prepare an annual report on the status of scholarships at the college.
  • To follow up with the Deanship of Graduate Studies concerning decisions and cases of scholarship. 

Faculty Members & Researchers’ Unit

This unit is assigned to follow up with the outstanding faculty members and researchers of various specializations with relevant entities to develop academic performance and help increase the rate of publishing scientific research and attending scientific conferences its tasks are as follows:

  • Requests of employment on (lecturer-assistant professor) rank or promotions to (associate professor-professor) rank.
  • Requests for sabbatical leave or report on sabbatical leave.
  • Leave requests whether (exceptional- maternity).
  • Early retirement or resignation requests.
  • Renewal requests for non-Saudi faculty members who (completed statutory age 60years- completed 10 years of service). 
  • Requests of attending conferences (inside the Kingdom or abroad), whether participation or only attendance.
  • Requests for getting excellent rewards for scientific research publishing.
  • Requests of transfer or secondment or assignment (from or to the university).
  • To prepare a special database related to the Scientific Council transactions and the procession of such transactions.

Contact us

Dr.Nawal Bint Menawer Al-Mutairi

Vice-Dean of Scientific Research & Innovation

Tel: 3338269

Email: vdg.art.dam@iau.edu.sa  

Published on: 19 November 2022
Last update on: 20 November 2022
Page views: 1119