About the Council

It is an advisory board that aims at bridging between the University and its students to gain positive feedback form them in the areas of developing the educational and academic process and to discover students' perspectives towards teaching, extra-curriculum or presented activities to achieve utmost knowledge and developed ideas.


The Council aims to:

  1. Create a liaison between students, the college management and the university administration to communicate with students so that they can give their opinions and proposals on the educational process.
  2. Enhance participation and cooperation among students, the administration and the faculty.
  3. Develop students' abilities and stimulate them to effectively participate in serving local community issues.
  4. Develop skills of leadership, communication and responsibilities for students, a matter which may contribute to create a student community able to compete globally.
  5. Discover students' abilities and talents and direct them properly.
  6. Participate in organizing and coordinating individual and group activities to achieve the utmost benefit from the available capabilities in the University.
  7. Raise students' awareness and urge them to abide by the University Regulations, to excel academically and to be well behaved with faculty members and staff.
  8. Raise students' feeling of loyalty and devotion to their country, university and college.

Student Council's Duties

  1. Submit students' proposals and perspectives to the dean of the college.
  2. Represent students in academic related meetings and occasions and in any entity inside or outside the college.
  3. Implement students' proposals as much as possible, solve their problems through coordinating with the related personnel without braking any of the college's regulations or policies or through organizing programs and activities overseen or implemented by the student council.
  4. Help in overcoming challenges social issues that students might encounter inside the university campus such as: nation-oriented issues which may be treated through celebrating national, religious and social occasions; health issues and environmental issues.
  5. Oversee student clubs' activities inside the college and organize the year's various activities.
  6. Contribute to solve problems that may arise among the college's students.
  7. Provide support and assistance (academic and social) to colleagues at the college.
  8. Cooperate to make the college a professional educational community and a milieu where knowledge is generated and developed.
  9. Constantly participate in developing programs and study plans through taking students' suggestions into consideration or to search job market needs-related studies and researches results which are submitted to the council by its members or by any other authorized person.
  10. Document all the student council-related plans and activities in specific records.
  11. Attend college council meetings upon an invitation from the dean of the college, if necessary.

Student Council Formation

The elective council consists of three students from each academic department whose membership is approved after the end of the student nomination and election process, the council is formed by:

  1. Student Council Chair
  2. Student Council Vice-Chair
  3. Student Council Secretary
  4. Student Activity Supervisor
  5. Media Official

Eligibility for Student Council Membership

All students are eligible to nominate for the student council membership at the college as per the following conditions:

  1. Be a regular student at the University.
  2. Student's GPA shall not be less than (3) out of (5).
  3. Not convicted of any disciplinary punishments.
  4. Pass the interview.

Student Advisory Membership Privileges

  1. Having the student council membership card.
  2. Awarding a certificate of appreciation after the end of the council's period.
  3. Posting the member's profile on the student council's webpage in IAU's website.
  4. Receiving priority in nomination for student courses held inside or outside the University.
  5. Representing the University in forums and events inside the Kingdom and abroad.
  6. The Student Supreme Council member will receive a reward from the student fund according to the fund's registered laws. It is required that the member active in the council's activities throughout his/her whole membership period.
Published on: 16 October 2017
Last update on: 16 October 2017
Page views: 2276