Vice Deanship for Development and Community Partnership monitors the learning outcomes by measuring the quality standards adopted to ensure continuous improvement in the performance of the academic departments and administrative units of the College of Nursing. It prepares, reviews and updates the strategic plan of the college. It also identifies the training needs of faculty members and implements continuous training programs throughout the year. It supervises the use of electronic technologies in the college and provides community services in different institutions of the community. In addition, it fulfills all the requirements of the external advisory board of the College of Nursing in terms of forming the council, setting up its own meetings and implementing the action plans and reporting to the Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation.



  • Foster principles of Total Quality Management in the academic process to come out with an excellent graduate who meets the requirements of the labor market.
  • Ensure activation of continuous training programs for academic staff.
  • Implement community service programs.
  • Monitor the KPI of the standards of the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment.
  • Monitor the implementation of the college strategic plan.
  • Enhance the use of information technology to support the academic and administrative duties within the college.



Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit

The unit monitors the quality of education and measures the learning outcomes in the programs provided by the College, as well as preparing annual reports and collecting documents related to the requirements of academic accreditation.

Professional Development, Training and Career Excellence Unit

Organizes workshops and training for the development of faculty members in the faculty and preparing plans to develop the skills of academic and professional teaching staff.

Awareness and Community Service Unit

The unit prepares and implements community service activities provided to various community institutions and prepares special reports.

Information Technology Unit

 The unit monitors the information technology services in the college such as computer labs and its use for training in different courses professional development workshops.

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Published on: 01 July 2019
Last update on: 07 November 2022
Page views: 872