
Among other supporting deanships, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAU) founded the deanship of students' affairs (DSA) to provide students with a stimulating learning environment. The IAU offers students special services fostering their education. The DSA is concerned with strengthening students' (males and females) spirit of belonging to the homeland and works hard to fill their leisure time with all that contribute to their cultural, psychological and intellectual growth. It also aims to provide all their comforts through various student services.

The DSA has passed through various phases in more than 40 years, where they grew up in the bosom of King Faisal University from 1395/1396 AH until the end of 1430 AH, and have been under the care of the University of Dammam since 1430 AH, until the present time which is an integral part of the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University.

The following is a chronicle of the foundation and development phases:

First phase: King Faisal University since 1395 AH (corresponding to 1975)
In 1396 AH, the Deanship of Student Affairs began in the same year in which King Faisal University was established under the name of the Deanship of Students and Educational Affairs. The aims were to provide students with academic care in terms of admission and registration in addition to involving students directly in the establishment and organization of social, cultural and sports activities.

In the academic year 1399-1400H, the name was changed from the Deanship of Students and Educational Affairs to the Deanship of Student Affairs and a new Deanship was established, which took over the educational affairs of the students under the name of Deanship of Admissions and Registration.

Second phase: University of Dammam since 1430 AH (corresponding to 2009)
On August 24, 2009, a decree was issued by the Council of Ministers to divide the two parts of King Faisal University in Dammam and Al-Ahsa into two separate universities, thus establishing the University of Dammam to retain the academic heritage of King Faisal University in Dammam. Dammam University was then considered the largest university in Saudi Arabia geographically, which was comprising seven campuses: Dammam, Qhatif, Jubail, Khafji, Nuairieh, Alqariah Alolia, and Hafer Al Baten.

When the University of Dammam became an independent entity with its objectives, responsibilities and independent financial resources, the DSA has been in a major breakthrough since then; it achieved great developments to perform the services provided by the University to its students, which are related to the student's life, housing and nutrition. It also helped students overcome the problems facing them and the formation of their personalities and integration through various student activities.
Here is a chronicle of the deans of DSA in Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (formerly University of Dammam) since foundation:

  • Dr. Fayez Bin Abdullah Al-Shihri from 2009 to 2012.
  • Dr. Ahmed Bin Abdulrahman Al-Sunni from 2012 to 2014.
  • Dr. Ali Bin Tard Al-Dosari from 2014 until now.

Third phase: Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University since 1438 AH (2016 AD).
The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdul Aziz approved the amendment of the name of the University of Dammam to become Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University to commemorate the father of the Founder King Abdulaziz.


Towards a deanship of students affairs leading at the level of Saudi deanships of students affairs.


To provide the best supporting services, activities and mentorship related to students' intellectual, emotional and physical needs for helping students build their personalities as per the Total Quality Standards.


  • To foster Islamic morals and national spirit of students.
  • To contribute to building integrated and balanced personalities of students.
  • To create a stimulating and attractive in-campus environment for developing students personalities and skills.
  • To encourage students to engage in volunteering, imitativeness, and participation in campus and outside.
  • To inter into partnerships with local community organizations in favor of students' interests.
  • To explore, cultivate and develop students' talents for maximizing their creativity.
  • To train students on skills of leadership, communication and knowledge development.
  • To provide support to students of special needs.
  • To upgrade performance of the deanship staff in compatible with the services, and activities provided by the deanship.
  • To offer further assessments for the services, and activities provided by the deanship.


1. Patriotism.
2. Responsibility.
3. Positive attitude.
4. Integrity.
5. Fidelity.

Published on: 09 April 2014
Last update on: 20 September 2018
Page views: 8382