Research 2019

    • Abdulla FA, Al-Khamis FA, Alsulaiman AA, Alshami AM. Psychometric properties of an Arabic version of the fatigue severity scale in patients with stroke. Topics in stroke rehabilitation. 2019:1-8.
    • Abdulla FA, Alsaadi S, Sadat-Ali M, Alkhamis F, Alkawaja H, Lo S. Effects of pulsed low-frequency magnetic field therapy on pain intensity in patients with musculoskeletal chronic low back pain: study protocol for a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial. BMJ open. 2019;9(6):e024650.
    • Abdulla FA, Mansi AA. Adaptive trainer for muscle and joint conditioning. US Patent App. 15/590,600; 2018.
    • Abubaker AA, Muaidi Q. The Effect of the Inhibition Technique of the Kinesio Taping on the Triceps Surae Muscle after an Isokinetic Fatigue Protocol. MOJ Orthop Rheumatol. 2018;10(1):00384.
    • Alaa I. Ibrahim, Mohammed S. Abdelsalam, Ziad M. Hawamdeh. Effects of Preoperative and postoperative physiotherapy on functional outcome of patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty. JOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS), 2018; 7(6): 10-16.
    • AlKhadhrawi N, Alshami A. Effects of myofascial trigger point dry cupping on pain and function in patients with plantar heel pain: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2019.
    • Alzaher FA, Elbasatiny HMY. The Effect of Physiotherapy Program on Hip Pain and Postural Control in Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease.
    • Ameer MA, Muaidi QI. Effect of Acute Static Stretching on Lower Limb Movement Performance Using STABL Virtual Reality System. Journal of sport rehabilitation. 2018;27(6):520-525.
    • Bashir S, Nuhmani S, Dhall R, Muaidi Q. Effect of core training on dynamic balance and agility among Indian junior tennis players. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 2019;32(2):245.
    • El-Ashker S, Chaabene H, Prieske O, et al. Effects of neuromuscular fatigue on eccentric strength and electromechanical delay of the knee flexors: the role of training status. Frontiers in Physiology. 2019;10:782.
    • Elsabbagh L, Al-Atwi T, Aldossary D, et al. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the STarT Back Tool for Arabic speaking adults with low back pain in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Orthopaedic Science. 2019;24(2):200-206.
    • Elsayed W, Farrag A, Muaidi Q, Almulhim N. Relationship between sagittal spinal curves geometry and isokinetic trunk muscle strength in adults. European Spine Journal. 2018;27(8):2014-2022.
    • Kachanathu SJ, Zedan AM, Hafez AR, Alodaibi FA, Alenazi AM, Nuhmani S. Effect of shoulder stability exercises on hand grip strength in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome. Somatosensory & motor research. 2019:1-5.
    • Muaidi QI. Saudi, Professional League: A Prospective Study of the Injuries and Illnesses Sustained by Professional Soccer Players During the 2015-2016 Season. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 2019;10(1).
    • Sallam SA, Al-Khamis FA, Muaidi QI, Abdulla FA., Translation and validation of the stroke specific quality of life scale into Arabic. NeuroRehabilitation. 2019;44(2):283-293.
    • Shaikh AI, Nuhmani S, Kachanathu SJ, Muaidi QI. Relationship of Core Power and Endurance with Performance in Random Intermittent Dynamic Type Sports. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 2019;10(1).
    • M Ahsan, B Akhtar, Correlations in Soccer Kicking Performance and Anthropometric  .Facet of University’s Sports Science Players .International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences 14 (2), 175-178
    • Qassim Muaidi, Mohammad Ahsan., Measurement of Visceral Fat, Abdominal Circumference and Waist-hip Ratio to Predict Health Risk in Males and Females. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 22 (4), 168-173
    • QI Muaidi, M Ahsan, MI Albaker. A Comparative Study of Body Composition and Sleep Habits Between Male and Female Students. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 13 (4), 5-8

    Research 2018

    • Kim, I. J. (2017). A Practical Design Search for Optimal Floor Surface Finishes—A Case Study. In Pedestrian Fall Safety Assessments (pp. 199-224). Springer, Cham.
    • Elsayed, W., Farrag, A., Muaidi, Q., & Almulhim, N. (2018). Relationship between sagittal spinal curves geometry and isokinetic trunk muscle strength in adults. European Spine Journal, 27(8), 2014-2022.
    • Al Attar, W. S. A., Soomro, N., Sinclair, P. J., Pappas, E., Muaidi, Q. I., & Sanders, R. H. (2018). Implementation of an evidence-based injury prevention program in professional and semi-professional soccer. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 13(1), 113-121.
    • Monica Sharma, M. P. T., Nuhmani, S., Deepti Wardhan, M. P. T., & Muaidi, Q. I. (2018). Comparison of Lower Extremity Muscle Flexibility in Amateur and Trained Bharatanatyam Dancers and Nondancers. Med Probl Perform Art, 33(1), 20-25.
    • Ibrahim, A. I., Muaidi, Q. I., & Alghamde, A. A. (2018). Abnormalities of Vital Signs in Children with Cerebral Palsy: Relationship to Physical Disabilities. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30(1), 55-67.
    • Monica Sharma, M. P. T., Nuhmani, S., Deepti Wardhan, M. P. T., & Muaidi, Q. I. (2018). Comparison of Lower Extremity Muscle Flexibility in Amateur and Trained Bharatanatyam Dancers and Nondancers. Med Probl Perform Art, 33(1), 20-25.
    • Elsayed, W., Farrag, A., Muaidi, Q., & Almulhim, N. (2018). Relationship between sagittal spinal curves geometry and isokinetic trunk muscle strength in adults. European Spine Journal, 27(8), 2014-2022.
    • Abdulla FA, Mansi AA. Adaptive trainer for muscle and joint conditioning: US Patent App. 15/590,600, 2018.
    • Abubaker A, Muaidi Q. The Effect of the Inhibition Technique of the Kinesio Taping on the Triceps Surae Muscle after an Isokinetic Fatigue Protocol. MOJ Orthop Rheumatol. 2018;10: 00384.
    • Ahsan M, Mohammad A. Effects of different warm-up techniques on dynamic balance and muscular strength on players: a study. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science. 2018.
    • Al Attar WSA, Soomro N, Sinclair PJ, Pappas E, Muaidi QI, Sanders RH. Implementation of an evidence-based injury prevention program in professional and semi-professional soccer. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 2018;13: 113-121.
    • Alghamdi RS, Nafee HM, El-Sayed A, Alsaadi SM. A study of school bag weight and back pain among intermediate female students in Dammam City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 2018;8: 3.
    • Alowa Z, Elsayed W. P 133-Does spinal muscles activity differ in females with forward head posture compared to normal posture? Gait & posture. 2018;65: 459.
    • Badawy MM, Muaidi QI. Aerobic Profile During High-intensity Performance in Professional Saudi Athletes 2018.
    • Nawed A, Khan I, Jalwan J, Nuhmani S, Muaidi QI. Efficacy of FIFA 11+ training program on functional performance in amateur male soccer players. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2018: 1-4.
    • Nuhmani S, Muaidi QI. Patellar Tendinopathy: A Review of Literature. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research. 2018;12: YE1-YE6.
    • Santiago RP, Guarda CC, Figueiredo CVB, et al. Serum haptoglobin and hemopexin levels are depleted in pediatric sickle cell disease patients 2018.
    • Somayeh A. Sallam, Fahd A. Al-Khamis, Qassim I. Muaidi, and Fuad A. Abdulla. Translation and Validation of the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale into Arabic. NeuroRehabilitation, 2018
    • Flemban A, Elsayed W. Effect of combined rehabilitation program with botulinum toxin type A injections on gross motor function scores in children with spastic cerebral palsy. Journal of physical therapy science. 2018;30: 902-905.
    • Hasan N, Nuhmani S, Kachanathu SJ, Muaidi QI. Efficacy of complex training on angular velocity of shoulder in collegiate basketball players. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2018: 1-7.

    Research 2017

    • Kim, I. J. (2017). A Practical Design Search for Optimal Floor Surface Finishes—A Case Study. In Pedestrian Fall Safety Assessments (pp. 199-224). Springer, Cham.
    • Elsayed, W. H., Alhufair, A. A., & Alghamdi, S. J. (2017). Impact of different heel heights on spinal posture and muscle activity in young adult women. Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy, 22(2), 118.
    • Abdel-Aziem, A. A., & El-Basatiny, H. M. (2017). Effectiveness of backward walking training on walking ability in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical rehabilitation, 31(6), 790-797.
    • Badawy, M., & Muaidi, Q. I. (2017). Cardio respiratory response: Validation of new modifications of Bruce protocol for exercise testing and training in elite Saudi triathlon and soccer players. Saudi journal of biological sciences.
    • Muaidi, Q. I. (2017). Does gender make a difference in knee rotation proprioception and range of motion in healthy subjects?. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 30(6), 1237-1243.
    • Shanb, A. A., Youssef, E. F., Muaidi, Q. I., & Alothman, A. A. (2017). Whole body vibration versus magnetic therapy on bone mineral density in elderly osteoporotic individuals. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 30(4), 903-912.
    • Kachanathu, S. J., Algarni, F. S., Nuhmani, S., Alenazi, A. M., Hafez, A. R., & Algarni, A. D. (2017). Functional outcomes of kinesio taping versus standard orthotics in the management of shin splint. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness.
    • Elsayed, W. H., Alhufair, A. A., & Alghamdi, S. J. (2017). Impact of different heel heights on spinal posture and muscle activity in young adult women. Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy, 22(2), 118.
    • Ahsan, M., & Negi, M.K. (2017). A Comparative Study of Proficiency in English and Study Habits of Government and Non-Government School Students.
    • Ahsan, M., & Mohammad, A. (2017). Mental toughness as a determinant factor of performance in table tennis. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science.
    • Ahsan, M.I., & Muaidi, Q.I. (2017). An Investigation of Ball Velocity between the Instep and Inside of the Foot Kicks of University Soccer Players.
    • Abdel-Aziem AA, El-Basatiny HM. Effectiveness of backward walking training on walking ability in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical rehabilitation. 2017;31: 790-797.
    • Alsubaiei M, Frith P, Cafarella P, et al. COPD care in Saudi Arabia: physicians' awareness and knowledge of guidelines and barriers to implementation. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2017;21: 592-595.
    • Ameer MA, Muaidi QI. Influence of increasing knee flexion angle on knee-ankle varus stress during single-leg jump landing. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences. 2017;12: 497-503.
    • Ameer MA, Muaidi QI. Relation between peak knee flexion angle and knee ankle kinetics in single-leg jump landing from running: a pilot study on male handball players to prevent ACL injury. The Physician and sportsmedicine. 2017;45: 337-343.
    • Ameer MA, Muaidi QI. Acute Effect of Static Stretching on Lower Limb Movement Performance by Using STABL Virtual Reality System. Journal of sport rehabilitation. 2017: 1-20.
    • Babul Akhter & Mohammad Ahsan. The Influence of the Club’s Infrastructure on the Soccer Coaching Process: Evidence from the Club Representative Longitudinal Survey. European Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science. 2017, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp 40-54, ISSN 2501-1235
    • Belcher JD, Gomperts E, Nguyen J, et al. Oral Carbon Monoxide Therapy in Murine Models of Sickle Cell Disease: Beneficial Effects on Vaso-Occlusion, Inflammation and Anemia: Am Soc Hematology, 2017.
    • Abdel-Aziem, A. A., & El-Basatiny, H. M. (2017). Effectiveness of backward walking training on walking ability in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical rehabilitation, 31(6), 790-797.
    • Muaidi QI. Does gender make a difference in knee rotation proprioception and range of motion in healthy subjects? J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2017;30: 1237-1243.
    • Badawy M, Muaidi QI. Cardio respiratory response: Validation of new modifications of Bruce protocol for exercise testing and training in elite Saudi triathlon and soccer players. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. 2017.

    Research 2016

    • Muaidi, Q. I., & Shanb, A. A. (2016). Prevalence causes and impact of work related musculoskeletal disorders among physical therapists. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 29(4), 763-769.
    • Badawy, M. M., Elnahas, N. G., Serry, Z. M., & Fouad, B. A. (2016). The Impact of Low Frequency Ultrasound and Lymphatic Drainage on Triglycerides. Global Journal of Medical Research.
    • Farrag, A., & Elsayed, W. (2015). Hip and knee sagittal angles and muscle activation in stair locomotion: Impact of age and gender. Gait & Posture, 1(42), S66-S67.
    • Farrag, A., & Elsayed, W. (2016). Habitual use of high-heeled shoes affects isokinetic soleus strength more than gastrocnemius in healthy young females. Foot & ankle international, 37(9), 1008-1016.
    • Muaidi, Q. I., & Shanb, A. A. (2016). Effects of work demands on physical therapists in the KSA. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 11(1), 56-62.
    • Youssef, E. F., Muaidi, Q. I., & Shanb, A. A. (2016). Effect of laser therapy on chronic osteoarthritis of the knee in older subjects. Journal of lasers in medical sciences, 7(2), 112.
    • Alabbad, M. A., & Muaidi, Q. I. (2016). Incidence and prevalence of weight lifting injuries: An update. Saudi Journal of Sports Medicine, 16(1), 15.
    • Muaidi, Q. I. (2016). Does proprioceptive acuity during active knee rotation in the transverse plane vary at different ranges?. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 29(4), 787-794.
    • Muaidi, Q. I., & Alotaibi, S. S. (2016). Biomechanical Assessments of the Snatch Lift: A Case Study. Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences, 216 (3771), 1-13.
    • Youssef, E. F., & elhameed Shanb, A. A. (2016). Supervised versus home exercise training programs on functional balance in older subjects. The Malaysian journal of medical sciences: MJMS, 23(6), 83.
    • Shanb, A. A., Youssef, E. F., Muaidi, Q. I., & Alothman, A. A. (2017). Whole body vibration versus magnetic therapy on bone mineral density in elderly osteoporotic individuals. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 30(4), 903-912.
    • Abdel-Khalik, M. Y., Mahrous, S. A., Shanab, A. A., Alshehri, A. M., Rashed, M. H., & Azoz, A. M. (2017). Morning blood pressure surge as a predictor of outcome in patients with essential hypertension. Saudi journal of medicine & medical sciences, 5(2), 124.
    • Farrag, A., & Elsayed, W. (2016). Habitual use of high-heeled shoes affects isokinetic soleus strength more than gastrocnemius in healthy young females. Foot & ankle international, 37(9), 1008-1016.
    • Youssef, E. F., Muaidi, Q. I., & Shanb, A. A. (2016). Effect of laser therapy on chronic osteoarthritis of the knee in older subjects. Journal of lasers in medical sciences, 7(2), 112.
    • Ameer, M. A. (2016). Kinematic comparison between single and double-leg jump landings in sagittal plane for male hand ball players. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 18(3), 108-115.

    Research 2015

    • Ezzat, H. M., Al-Sultan, A., Al-Shammari, A., Alyousef, D., Al-Hamidi, H., Al-Dossary, N., ... & Al-Abdulqader, W. (2015). Prevalence of neck pain among cabin crew of Saudi Airlines. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 28(3), 425-431.
    • Ezzat, H. M., Al-Sultan, A., Al-Shammari, A., Alyousef, D., Al-Hamidi, H., Al-Dossary, N., ... & Al-Abdulqader, W. (2015). Prevalence of neck pain among cabin crew of Saudi Airlines. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 28(3), 425-431.
    • Farrag, A. T., Elsayed, W. H., El-Sayyad, M. M., & Marras, W. S. (2015). Weight knowledge and weight magnitude: impact on lumbosacral loading. Ergonomics, 58(2), 227-234.
    • Elsayed, W., Farrag, A., El-Sayyad, M., & Marras, W. (2015). Changes in muscular activity and lumbosacral kinematics in response to handling objects of unknown mass magnitude. Human movement science, 40, 315-325.
    • Alshami, A. M. (2015). Prevalence of spinal disorders and their relationships with age and gender. Saudi medical journal, 36(6), 725.
    • Alshami, A. M., & Albahrani, Y. A. (2015). A comparison of the attitudes toward chronic low back pain in Saudi, Australian and Brazilian physical therapy students. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 10(2), 181-187.
    • Azoz, A. M., Alshehri, A. M., Shaheen, H. A., Farrag, Y. A., Muaidi, Q. I., & Youssef, A. A. (2015). Functional and structural changes in soccer players' heart and the risk for sudden cardiac death. Saudi Journal of Sports Medicine, 15(1), 74.
    • Kim, I. J. (2015). Slip-resistance measurements for assessing pedestrian falls: Facts and fallacies. Accidental falls: Risk factors, prevention strategies and long-term outcomes, 105-125.
    • Kim, I. J. (2015). Knowledge gaps and research challenges in the contemporary ergonomics. J Ergon, 5(1).
    • Kim, I. J. (2015). Wear observation of shoe surfaces: Application for slip and fall safety assessments. Tribology Transactions, 58(3), 407-417.
    • Kim, I. J. (2015). Musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic interventions. J Ergonomics S, 4, S4-e002.

    Research 2014

    • Alshami, A. M. (2014). Knee osteoarthritis related pain: a narrative review of diagnosis and treatment. International journal of health sciences, 8(1), 85.
    • Alshami, A. M. (2014). Physical and psychological aspects of low back pain among Saudi patients: A case-control study. Saudi journal of medicine and medical sciences, 2(1), 24.
    • Shanb, A. S. A., & Youssef, E. F. (2014). Effects of adding biofeedback training to active exercises after total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research, 17(01), 1450001.
    • Ezzat, d. H., & khalifa, d. M. A. The effect of stretching pectoralis majors on pulmonary function test on asymptomatic females' students.
    • Melam, G., Buragadda, S., Alhusaini, A., Ibrahim, A. I., & Kachanathu, S. J. (2014). Gender differences in static and dynamic postural stability parameters in community dwelling healthy older adults. Middle East J Sci Res, 22, 1259-64.
    • Shanb, A. S. A., & Youssef, E. F. (2014). Effects of adding biofeedback training to active exercises after total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research, 17(01), 1450001.
    • Shanb, A. A., & Youssef, E. F. (2014). The impact of adding weight-bearing exercise versus nonweight bearing programs to the medical treatment of elderly patients with osteoporosis. Journal of family & community medicine, 21(3), 176.
    • Alshami, A. M. (2014). Knee osteoarthritis related pain: a narrative review of diagnosis and treatment. International journal of health sciences, 8(1), 85.
    • Alshami, A. M. (2014). Physical and psychological aspects of low back pain among Saudi patients: A case-control study. Saudi journal of medicine and medical sciences, 2(1), 24.
    • Alsaadi, S. M., McAuley, J. H., Hush, J. M., Lo, S., Bartlett, D. J., Grunstein, R. R., & Maher, C. G. (2014). The bidirectional relationship between pain intensity and sleep disturbance/quality in patients with low back pain. The Clinical journal of pain, 30(9), 755-765.
    • Alsaadi, S. M., McAuley, J. H., Hush, J. M., Lo, S., Lin, C. W. C., Williams, C. M., & Maher, C. G. (2014). Poor sleep quality is strongly associated with subsequent pain intensity in patients with acute low back pain. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 66(5), 1388-1394.
    • Alsaadi, S. M., McAuley, J. H., Hush, J. M., Bartlett, D. J., McKeough, Z. M., Grunstein, R. R., ... & Maher, C. G. (2014). Assessing sleep disturbance in low back pain: the validity of portable instruments. PLoS One, 9(4), e95824.
    • Hawamdeh, Z. M., Sheikh-Ali, R. F., AlSharif, A., Otom, A. H., Ibrahim, A. I., AlHadidi, F. A., ... & Juweid, M. E. (2014). The influence of aging on the association between adiposity and bone mineral density in Jordanian postmenopausal women. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 17(1), 143-149.
    • Fayez, E. S. (2014). The correlation between neck pain and hand grip strength of dentists. Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs.
    • Kim, I. J. (2014). Ergonomics in healthcare and patient safety. Journal of Ergonomics, 4(3), 126-127.

                      Research 2013

                      • Al Maghraby, M. A., & Alshami, A. M. (2013). Learning style and teaching method preferences of Saudi students of physical therapy. Journal of family & community medicine, 20(3), 192.
                      • Ibrahim, A. I., Muaidi, Q. I., Abdelsalam, M. S., Hawamdeh, Z. M., & Alhusaini, A. A. (2013). Association of postural balance and isometric muscle strength in early-and middle-school-age boys. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 36(9), 633-643.
                      • Ibrahim, A. I., Abdelsalam, M. S., Muaidi, Q. I., & Hawamdeh, Z. M. (2013). Evaluation of isometric muscle strength and magnitude of hand dominance in right-handed school-age boys. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 36(2), 118-126.
                      • Ibrahim, A. I., Alhusaini, A. A., Hegazy, F. A., & Hawamdeh, Z. M. (2013). Effectiveness of foot wedge and carrying weighted bag on loading the paretic lower limb in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy. NeuroRehabilitation, 32(3), 563-571.
                      • Youssef, E. F., & Shanb, A. S. A. (2013). Mobilization versus massage therapy in the treatment of cervicogenic headache: a clinical study. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 26(1), 17-24.

                      Published on: 08 October 2019
                      Last update on: 08 December 2019
                      Page views: 3969