The college's five research areas 

The College of Design developed a scientific research process following the new vision of the university since 2016 when the college’s scientific research vice deanship was established. The deanship has spread research awareness among the faculty members and trained them. The deanship also developed a research plan that included the formation of research groups with research orientations suitable for all disciplines of faculty members, as follows:

  • Design Education and Learning
  • Design Application and Practice
  • Environmental Design
  • Design Sustainability
  • Design Theory and History

Design Research Hub

The Design Research Hub (DRH) is a research community organized and supported by the College of Design. It consists of several design research groups with a vast variety of research interests whether theoretical or applied. Each group has a specialized leader and an assortment of members from different design and architectural related disciplines.

Aim and Objectives

The DRH aims to facilitate a design research environment that supports researches and researches from all design interests. It intends to accomplish this aim by achieving the following objectives:

  • Provide the technical and human support design researchers require
  • Organize periodical seminars, symposiums, and conferences
  • Offer constant research development training
  • Support research funding processes
  • Support research publication
  • Encourage and support studies aiming towards enhancing the wellbeing of society.
  • Encourage and invite research collaborations with governmental and private sectors regionally and internationally
  • Encourage and support interdisciplinary researches
  • Welcome external members from design and non-design related disciplines e.g. medical and education specialists to join research groups
  • Support young researchers through practical research training opportunities.

Published on: 17 August 2020
Last update on: 05 October 2020
Page views: 630