The department offers both in patient and out-patient all pediatric age group from birth to 14 years of age whom in need of high-quality, family-oriented secondary and tertiary pediatric health care service, and living in Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia.

The Pediatric Clinics are all dedicated to discharge infants and children from the ward or whom have been referred from Primary Health Centers, Private Clinics or Emergency Department.
The Department has a well-equipped 40 bed newborn nursery and a 20-bed Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), a general pediatric ward with 25 beds, 7 Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) with 3 Isolation Room and a pediatric emergency room and outpatient clinics.

The Department of Pediatrics is composed of faculty members in different academic ranks, which include consultants, senior registrar, resident and trainees.

Pediatrics department is committed to pediatric excellence beginning at birth and extending into areas of general and specialized care in both inpatient and outpatient settings.

Inpatient settings

  • Pediatric Wards where children are fully investigated and received treatment for acute and  chronic conditions in general pediatrics and subspecialties
  • PICU meets the special medical, emotional and social needs of the sickest children   and their families with great compassion and skills.
  • NICU is similar to PICU but it is uniquely equipped to meet the needs of newborn born too early or too small, or who require special care or surgery.

Outpatient settings

  • Pediatric Emergency which consists of 2 separate rooms, 8 beds for observation and isolation room day and night and has access to pediatric consultations 24-hours a day.
  • Outpatient Clinics which has 4 clinics per day 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Sunday to Thursday with pediatric subspecialty (general pediatric, allergy/immunology, cardiology, endocrinology, gastro-enterology, hematology/oncology, infectious disease, nephrology, and pulmonology). 
  • In addition to patient care our department is committed to high level of medical education and research for both under and postgraduates students as well as active participation in national plans for medical and educational development.

Hours of service provision
Pediatric Wards, PICU, NICU and Pediatric Emergency all are 24/7
Outpatient Clinics
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Sunday to Thursday.

Published on: 09 August 2014
Last update on: 19 January 2017
Page views: 3251