• First: Academic Program Creation Guide, approved by the University Council.
  • Second: Academic Program Review Guide, approved by the University Council.
  • Third: Holding the Scientific Forum: “Modern Trends in Building Academic Programs in Higher Education”. The forum aims to enhance cooperation between all higher education institutions and government and private employment to identify the labor market needs and develop specializations and programs in light of the rapid changes and the needs of the Kingdom in accordance with Vision 2030 (Click Here).
  • Fourth: A system that would computerize of the procedures of academic programs review and creation. The system would facilitate procedures followed by Directorates, from document submission by the college to the approval by the University Council. The system would also facilitate directing requests between users, uploading attachments, writing notes, and copying the study plan directly on the student records system.
  • Fifth: The electronic follow-up software to track the remaining procedures in establishing or updating the study program, starting with the application for creation or updating, the first presentation of program documents, external arbitration of the documents of the first presentation, and ending with the final presentation of the program documents (Click Here).
Published on: 12 January 2022
Last update on: 18 January 2022
Page views: 502