
This vice deanship assists the college dean in supervising the progress of the teaching and learning process during the university study stage, implementing the approved policies and programs related to the students’ affairs, supporting the educational services, and realization of the objectives prescribed for it.

The Deanship works in coordination with the heads of departments and through the numerous College committees to continuously develop the curriculum, improve teaching and learning methods, raise the performance of the teaching staff and provide academic support services, such as academic advising to the students.


The units attached to the Vice Deanship for Academic Affairs;

  •  Admission and Registration Unit This unit is concerned with the preparation of the study schedules and organization of the registration, addition to, and deletion from the various curricula of the college.
  • Examination and Assessment Unit This unit is tasked with the organization of examinations committees, distribution of proctors during the examinations, receiving examination papers in addition to management of the semester, and substitute examinations.
  • Students’ Activities Unit: This unit is tasked with the organization of the college’s extracurricular activities where it interacts with the students and participates in the students’ events and functions, such as trips, the theater, internal and external cultural competitions, and organization of exhibitions inside the college through coordination with the Students’ Affairs Deanship.
  • Academic Counseling and Advising Unit: This unit is charged with receiving and orienting the new students, acquainting them with the college and its various divisions, priming them for university studies and life by guiding the students academically, psychologically, and academically, by offering advice and paying attention to both students with the poor academic acquisition as well as the gifted students, review of the cases which are in need of material support from the students’ fund and coordination with the orientation and guidance center.
  • Field Training Unit: This unit is responsible for coordinating and supervising the practical training process of students in all three departments. This includes assisting students to evaluate the best summer training opportunities consistent with the field experience specification. Also, the unit is responsible for preparing the field experience reports and conducting the required evaluations to ensure and sustain a high-quality internship experience to students.
  • E-Learning Unit: The purpose of this unit is to support faculty and students with high-quality information technology services, enhance the educational experience for students, and advance the mission of Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University.
  • College Curriculum Unit: The unit supervises the update and establishment of study programs in all departments of the college. Carries out periodic reviews with the Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs on the latest regulations, manuals, and models to work with. The unit also reviews self-study reports and all requests for updating or establishing new study programs in all departments. In addition, it prepares research and studies, and provides visions and proposals for the development of the college's programs in line with the labor market and the future of education in the departments’ specialties and the directives of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture in the fields of Design.


Dr. Dalia Eldardiry

Vice Dean of Academic Affairs

Email Address: deldardiry@iau.edu.sa

Published on: 23 July 2020
Last update on: 28 August 2022
Page views: 995