Echocardiography Simulation Lab 

The Echocardiography Simulation Lab is a facility designed to provide hands-on training and simulation experience for Cardiac Technology students. Echocardiography is a non-invasive imaging technique used to assess the structure and function of the heart. In the simulation lab, Cardiac Technology students can practice and enhance their skills in performing and interpreting echocardiograms. The lab typically consists of dedicated spaces equipped with state-of-the-art echocardiography equipment and simulation mannequins. 


Cardiac Catheterization Simulation Lab  

The Cardiac Catheterization Simulation Lab is a facility designed to simulate procedures and conditions related to cardiac catheterization. In this lab, various simulations and training scenarios are conducted to enhance the skills and knowledge of Cardiac Technology students. The simulations in the lab focus on a wide range of procedures, including diagnostic angiograms, balloon angioplasty, stent placement, and other interventions. Students have the opportunity to navigate through the simulated cardiovascular system using catheters, wires, and other interventional devices. 


Electrocardiogram Simulation Lab  

Electrocardiogram Simulation Lab is a facility designed to provide a simulated environment for Cardiac Technology students to learn and practice how to record and interpret different electrocardiograms. By utilizing this lab, students can improve their skills and confidence in interpreting ECGs, enhance their understanding of cardiac rhythms, and diagnose potential heart conditions more accurately. Additionally, these labs also serve the students as a platform for learning different procedures such as hocking and analysing Holter monitors and simulate stress test scenarios. 


Clinical Skills Lab 

In the Cardiac Technology department, the Clinical Skills Lab is equipped with equipment and resources that replicate the technologies and tools used in measuring vital signs and pressure assessment, and heart sounds simulators. This allows students to familiarize themselves with the various basic clinical procedures, such as blood pressure measurement, cardiac examination, inserting IV lines, and more. 


BLS and ACLS Lab  

BLS and ACLS Lab is designed to provide students with hands-on training in emergency medical procedures and resuscitation techniques. During lab sessions, students can practiceand refine their skills in a controlled environment before applying them in real-life situations.Students also can learn and practice critical life-saving skills such as CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), automated external defibrillator (AED) use, and basic airway management techniques. They also learn how to recognize and respond to choking emergencies and effectively provide care for patients who are experiencing cardiac arrest or respiratory distress. In this lab section that contains anatomical models, cadavers, anatomical charts, and computer-based tools. These resources allow participants to study and identify different body systems, such as the musculoskeletal, nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory. 

Published on: 23 May 2024
Last update on: 23 May 2024
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