
The Vice Deanship for Scientific Research and Innovation (VDSR&I ) aims to provide internationally recognized and accredited postgraduate programs, considering the local and international requirements for graduating competent dental specialists. Also, it develops the college’ capacity to generate scientific research, engage faculty and students in high quality research and create a healthy environment conducive to the development of creativity and innovation.

Scope and Responsibilities

  • Supervise activities and faculty development in the field of scientific research. 
  • Follow-up and supervise formation of research themes and teams. 
  • Development of the research strategic plan and mechanisms for implementation. 
  • Provide guidance for securing financial support for research from the university and other external funding agencies. 
  • Supervise the establishment and development of graduate programs to meet national needs and trends. 
  • Supervise orientation programs for graduate students. 
  • Follow up and support the college’s scholars abroad.  
  • Supervise academic progress and implementation including registration and assessments for postgraduate programs. 
  • Localizing all quality practices to ensure the best performance following accreditation standards for postgraduate programs. 
  • Ensure presence of appropriate learning environment which includes educational facilities, laboratories, and all that is required by postgraduate programs. 
  • Supervise research centers and scientific chairs located at the college. 
  • Ensure the enhancement of the university's entrepreneurship environment by organizing events, workshops and lectures. 
  • Encourage patent applications to preserve intellectual property rights. 
  • Review and verify the completion of applications submitted by faculty to university's scientific council (such of academic promotions, sabbaticals, scientific communication, and scientific conferences attendance). 
  • Supervise the achievement of the strategic plan of the college/university in relation to the objectives of scientific research and innovation, and the achievement of associated performance indicators.
Published on: 11 May 2015
Last update on: 26 November 2023
Page views: 1432