As a part of IAU's Alumni and Career Development Center, the College has been committed to following up on its previous graduates and assisting its upcoming graduates through holding various programs and services that aim at preparing them for the labor market. Also, the college consistently works on expanding communication between its graduates to exchange practical and educational life experiences.
The unit maintains and updates the database and information about college graduates and alumni accomplishments, seeks their feedback and opinion through survey tools, and encourages alumni to support their college in all aspects. The Alumni unite created an alumni and career development unit email to keep constant communication with graduates. There are many responsibilities of the alumni unit like encouraging alumni to participate in college activities whenever possible, organizing events to illustrate the college achievements and current activities to alumni, and encouraging alumni to support for college, financially and publicly. Also, the alumni and career development center have two main objectives: first, to provide advisory guidance to students regarding their career planning and employment preparation. Second, to develop and promote the theme of an alumni community and create a connection with students prior to graduation and continue their connection with the University post-graduation and beyond.
The alumni unit collaborate with continuing education and faculty development unit in inviting all the alumni to the lectures, working with the professionalism unit to present workshops/lectures to both students and alumni, sharing the newsletter of the college with the alumni (any updates/achievements). Additionally, the college maintains contact by inviting the alumni to the social gathering.
The goal of the alumni unit is to play an active and leading role in establishing career guidance and communication between the college’s current students and alumni. Also, the alumni unit participate in the preparation and development of graduates in order for them to be in full compliance with the requirements of their professional ambitions as well as establish permanent and ongoing communication between the university and the alumni.
The unit maintains and updates the database and information about college graduates and alumni accomplishments, seeks their feedback and opinion through survey tools, and encourages alumni to support their college in all aspects.
1. Establish a database for graduates and alumni.
2. Survey and analyze alumni satisfaction and discuss results with concerned departments.
3. Keep constant communication with graduates and alumni.
4. Encourage alumni to participate in college activities whenever possible.
5. Organize events to illustrate the college achievements and current activities to alumni.
6. Encourage alumni to support the college, financially and publicly.
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Contact Us
College of Dentistry
Tel: 0133331496
Email: cd.alumni@iau.edu.sa