The clinical nutrition program offers students a strong foundation in clinical, teaching, research, and management domains through four years of full-time study. After completion of all required courses the students have to spend one whole year (12 months) in training and practicing clinical nutrition in a form of training rounds in approved hospital wards and specialized health centers, under joint academic supervision of the Department of Clinical Nutrition in the College of Applied Medical Sciences and administrative supervision of the staff members of hospital wards and specialized health centers.
Attaining distinction and creativity in clinical nutrition specialty nationally, regionally and internationally.
Prepare students academically and clinically for dietetics practice and promote their professional development through foundation of creative knowledge, research, and effective community partnerships.
- Provide students with quality education, independent learning skills, scientific and evidence based of practice in clinical nutrition.
- Ensure highly professional practice expectations in the field of clinical nutrition (i.e. beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviors for the professional dietitian level of practice).
- Promote applicable and evidence-based scientific research in the field of clinical nutrition.
- Achieve in professional way clinical and community services through valuable development and delivery of information, products and services to individuals, groups and populations.
Quality Committee
- Dr. Yasmin Algindan | Head
- Prof. Rabie Khattab | Coordinator
- Dr. Tunny Sebastian |Member
- Mrs. Sara Alotaishan| Member
- Ms. Haifa Al Qahtani | Member
MSc academic Committee
- Prof. Rabie Khattab | Coordinator
- Dr. Wesam Alyahya | Member
- Dr. Reham Metwally | Member
- Dr. Arafat Goja | Member
- Dr. Tunny Sebastian |Member
- Dr. Mohammed Al-Saadany | Member
- Dr. Omar Abu Zaid | Member
- Mrs. Sara Alotaishan| Member
- Mrs. Marwah Al-Sayed | Member
- Ms. Haifa Al Qahtani | Member
BSc Academic Committee
- Dr. Arafat Goja | Coordinator
- Dr. Tunny Sebastian | Coordinator
- Dr. Reham Metwally | Member
- Dr. Omar Abu Zaid | Member
- Dr. Wesam Alyahya | Member
- Dr. Mohammed Al-Saadany | Member
- Miss. Jumanah Alawfi | Member
- Mrs. Sara Alotaishan| Member
- Ms. Haifa Al Qahtani | Member
Scientific Research Committee
- Dr. Wesam Alyahya | Coordinator
- Dr. Tunny Sebastian |Member
- Dr. Yasmin Algindan | Member
- Dr. Omar Abu Zaid | Member
- Prof. Rabie Khattab | Member
Laboratory Committee
- Dr. Yasmin Algindan | Head
- Dr. Mohammed Al-Saadany | Coordinator
- Dr. Arafat Goja | Member
- Mrs. Marwah Al-Sayed | Member
- Ms. Haifa Al Qahtani | Member
Website and Social Media Committee
- Mrs. Marwah Al-Sayed | Coordinator
- Ms. Haifa Al Qahtani | Member
- Dr. Wesam Alyahya | Member
- Mrs. Delayl Al-Merry | Member
Examination Committee
- Dr. Reham Shawky | Coordinator
- Prof. Rabie Khattab | Member
- Dr. Mohammed Al-Saadany | Member
- Dr. Tunny Sebastian |Member
- Mrs. Sara Alotaishan| Member
- Miss. Jumanah Alawfi | Member
Community services Committee
- Dr. Omar Abu Zaid | Head
- Dr. Reham Metwally | Member
- Prof. Rabie Khattab | Member
- Dr. Arafat Goja | Member
- Mrs. Sara Alotaishan| Member
- Ms. Haifa Al Qahtani | Member
- Mrs. Delayl Al-Merry | Member
- Mrs. Marwah Al-Sayed | Member
Internship and Training Committee
- Dr. Omar Abu Zaid | Coordinator
- Dr. Wesam Alyahya | Member
- Mrs. Sara Alotaishan| Member
- Miss. Jumanah Alawfi | Member
- Mrs. Delayl Al-Merry | Member
Alumni Committee
- Dr. Omar Abu Zaid | Head
- Miss. Jumanah Alawfi | Coordinator
- Mrs. Sara Alotaishan| Member
- Mrs. Delayl Al-Merry | Member
Evaluation Quality Follow-up Committee
Dr. Reham Shawky | Coordinator
Prof. Rabie Khattab | Member
Dr. Arafat Goja | Member
Contact us
Contact us
Dr. Yasmin Y. Al Gindan
Chair of Clinical Nutrition Department
Tel. 013 333 1324
Email: yygindan@iau.edu.sa
Ms. Haifa Al Qahtani
Department Secretary
Tel. 013 333 1352
Email: hsoqahtani@iau.edu.sa
Dr. Arafat Goja
Clinical Nutrition Department Coordinator (Bachelor)
Tel. 013 333 1303
Email: amdangol@iau.edu.sa
Dr. Rabie Khattab
Clinical Nutrition Department Coordinator (Master)
Tel. 013 333 1373
Email: rykhattab@iau.edu.sa
Dr. Wesam AlYahya
Scientific Research Committee Coordinator
Tel. 0133331397
Email: waalyahya@iau.edu.sa
Dr. Omar Abuzaid
Community Service Coordinator
Tel. 013 333 1370
Email: oiabuzaid@iau.edu.sa
Mrs. Dlayl Al Mirry
Internship and training Affairs Coordinator
Tel. 013 333 1293
Email: dhalmirry@iau.edu.sa
Dr. Mohamed Elsaadany
Laboratories Coordinator
Tel. 013 333 1376
Email: maelsaadany@iau.edu.sa
Mrs. Marwah Al Sayed
Website and Social Media Coordinator
Tel. 013 333 1278
Email: maalsayed@iau.edu.sa
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— Clinical Nutrition Department (@IAU_CN) May 2, 2019