Clinical Affairs Committee

The Clinical Affairs Committee evaluates and makes recommendations to the Dean concerning all policies and procedures governing the clinical staff affairs of the Dental Hospital.

Scope and Responsibilities:

  • To study and make recommendations to the requests for appointment of the staff of health (General Practitioner - Specialist - Consultants). 
  • Assess and monitor the scholarships request of clinical staff of the college of dentistry, lAU. 
  • To study and state the necessary recommendations for requests of the classification of health, or upgrading to a specialist or consultant position, depending on the system of Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. 
  • Review clinical operational errors and make recommendation to address them. 
  • Study submitted applications to allow the request to relocate from a hospital staff to an academic staff. 
  • Study and raise the necessary recommendation for the privileges granted to the medical staff according to the scientific basis. 
  • This committee also is responsible for addressing college-wide quality assurance issues and updating the Quality Assurance Manual in conjunction with the Vice Deanship for Development & Community Partnership. 
  • Address any requirements in the dental clinics. 
  • Coordinate with different dental specialties to avoid overlaps and identify responsibilities.

Teaching Laboratories Unit

The purpose of the unit to oversee the ongoing preclinical dental students training activities. 

Scope and Responsibilities:

  • To study and revise the academic laboratory schedule and allocate each course with suitable venue. 
  • To revise and facilitate laboratory venue request for research, exams, community service and open sessions and continuing education sessions. 
  • To review and facilitate the material consumption for each course based on the training requirements and ensure available material for each course. 
  • To review the periodic inventory and provide the recommendations to control the material request and consumption. 
  • To provide the necessary recommendations for laboratory materials and devices requests to support the college vision. 
  • Review OVRs and make recommendations to address them. 
  • lt is the responsibility of this unit to review the biomedical maintenance schedule and visits and report defective devices. Also, to propose future plans to improve the laboratories, and keep them up to date with new technology according to the college vision.

Teaching Clinics Units

The purpose of this unit to oversees undergraduate and postgraduate students’ clinical activities and address students and patients concerns to maintain a high level of patient care.

Scope and Responsibilities:

  •  Arrange clinic assignment for students based on booked patients. 
  • Reports / reprimand students who do not follow the rules. 
  • Reports any incidents that occurred in the Teaching clinics via email and Hemaya (OVR). 
  • Coordinates with the assigned Course Supervisor (Teaching Staff). 
  • Sends updates, announcements, and reminders. 
  • Prepares and submits the office supply request form through the secretary of the medical director weekly if needed. 
  • Prepares and arranges the forms needed per each clinical session (limited forms others are online). 
  • Extend help in every query, questions, and or concerns of the patients and the students. 
  • Collaborate with the Supply Dispensary in Charge, instrument Dispensary ln Charge, Referral Coordinator, Medical Records, Clinic Coordinators/ln-charge, Reception, Call Center, Patient Affairs

Internship Program Unit

The internship program unit monitors academic and clinical activities of the internship program. 

Scope and Responsibilities:

  • Evaluate the overall performance of the internship and develop plans for improvements. 
  • Ensure fair and just rotation evaluation for the interns. 
  • Organize and review the clinical assignments for the interns. 
  • Communicate with other approved organization for the training and evaluation of the interns. 
  • Review reported violations and suggest the necessary disciplinary actions if needed. 
  • Organize and support internship research activities. 
  • Review and evaluate applications for the internship program and make recommendations for enrollment of interns graduating from other organization. 
  • Develop and implement programs for academic and professional educational lectures/seminars for the interns. 
  • Monitor and review approved internship program KPls and propose continuous improvement plan periodically. 
  • Prepare field experience report at the  end of each rotation of the internship program. 
  • Prepare reports for the working and performance of the unit at the end of the academic year.

Published on: 03 January 2016
Last update on: 03 December 2023
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